Turkey's 2.6 million Syrian refugees may be straining the housing and jobs systems, but they're also fuelling economic growth. The
world's largest refugee population has had a positive impact on Turkish
output, economists and government officials say. It may be partly
responsible for an unexpected rise in third-quarter growth and stronger
forecasts for 2016 output. The
migrants, fleeing a civil that has raged for five years, have bought
goods such as refrigerators and cookers, a well as cooking oil, bread,
flour and building materials. While
most Syrians have not been given work permits and end up working
illegally, the money they spend nevertheless feeds into the economy. The
government also says it has spent almost $10 billion since the start of
the conflict, mostly on refugee camps, pumping more cash into goods and
services. Much of the public
debate in Turkey about the economic effects of the influx has so far
centered on negative aspects such as how it has increased competition
for low-paid work in a country with a jobless rate of over 10 percent,
and driven up food prices and rents. Signs
that refugees are beginning to boost growth, potentially creating jobs
in the long term, would be welcome news for a government struggling to
integrate the migrants and seeking to make good on promises to stem
their flow to Europe in return for cash and a revival of EU accession
talks. "We have reasonable facts
and evidence that either spending by 2.6 million Syrian refugees or by
government has been one of the key drivers behind the positive surprise
in economic growth in 2015," said Muammer Komurcuoglu, an economist at
Is Investment. A senior economy official also told Reuters the Syrian refugees were supporting growth via consumer spending. The
government is due to release its official 2015 growth figures in March.
Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek has referred to third-quarter
growth figures of 4 percent as a "positive surprise". After the release
of the third-quarter figures, the government later revised up its
expectations for 2016 growth to 4.5 percent from 4 percent. 'NO FREE LUNCH' Assessing
the contribution of Syrian migrants - who mostly fend for themselves
outside refugee camps - is difficult since at least some of their
spending is rooted in the cash-based, informal economy. One
way it can be loosely estimated, say economists, is by using the
"starvation line", which is set by the Turkish Trade Union Confederation
and represents the bare minimum the average person would need to spend
to avoid starvation - 346 lira ($117) a month. Based
on this, Turkey's 2.6 million Syrians are spending at least 346 lira a
month, equivalent to 0.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). That
would rise to as much as 1.7 percent of GDP if calculations were based
on the "poverty line" of 1,128 lira a month - a measure of the minimum
income deemed adequate, including access to resources considered
essential such as clothes, electricity and basic transportation. But the influx of refugee is pushing up prices, particularly for food and rent and in areas with large refugee populations. Annual
consumer prices rose to 9.58 percent in January in Turkey as a whole,
but in border areas such as Gaziantep, Adiyaman and Kilis the rate was
10.67 percent. "There is no free
lunch in the economy," Komurcuoglu said. "This positive growth surprise
comes at a cost on the inflation and unemployment fronts." Simsek
has said the main economic challenge this year would be battling
inflation, a task made more difficult by a 30 percent rise in the
minimum wage that went into effect this year. JOBS AND WAGES
Until recently refugees have not had the right to work legally. Now a
new law has been enacted to give them permits with certain limitations
over where and in which sectors they can work. In addition, refugees
cannot make up more than 10 percent of a company's workforce. Some
refugees with access to money when they arrived have set up their own
firms, but many more - an estimated 300,000 - are thought to be working
informally. That has lowered some wages and pushed some Turkish laborers
out of the work force. "The
inflow of informally employed Syrian refugees leads to large-scale
displacement of Turkish workers from the (large) informal sector, around
6 natives for every 10 refugees," the World Bank said in a recent
paper. However, the lower
production costs should eventually help boost output and increase the
demand for formal workers, leading to an extra three Turks employed for
every 10 refugees, it said. A
senior economy official confirmed that more than 2.5 million refugees
were supporting growth via consumer spending, hoping that with
increasing numbers actually producing in the economy, the pressures on
inflation may be alleviated. "Migrants
from Syria were consumers only until recently. This was creating
inflationary pressure," the senior economy official said. "Now they are
being given the right to work, and this will cause unemployment but also
ease the pressure on inflation because they will be in the production
Fridges and flour: Syrian refugees boost Turkish economy

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