(Writing by Ethar Abdul Haq)
(Zaman Al Wasl – Special)- Leaked ISIS personal data obtained by Zaman al-Wasl showed that at least 10 jihadists used fake passports or relatives’ papers to cross their borders heading the de facto Caliphate State in Syria and Iraq.
According to the registration forms of 1736 jihadists, 4 Tunisians, 2 Palestinians, Saudi, Sudanese, Libyan and Frenchman admitted to the General Directorate of Borders in its questionnaire that they used to get fake passports and relatives documents to escape security services and immigration departments.

The 23-question form ended with remarks field where 10 jihadists acknowledged that they were entered the State using fake papers.
Two Tunisian Jihadists, Abu Atraja and Abu Darada al-Tunisa', and one Egyptian used fake Libyan passports while the other two Tunisians have used fake Tunisian passports.
Abu Osama al-Sudani, a Sudanese aviation engineer, used Sudanese passport carried name Mansour Saad Ali, (date of birth: 1991).
Abu Ammar al-Hijazi, Saudi nationale, used Sudia passport for someone who looks exactly like him.
Abu Jihad al-Manferdi, French born in 1989, used his younger brother identity card. He didn’t have passport.
Owais Abu Abdullah, Palestinian
born in 190, has fake passport carried name Ali Adam Ali.
Abu khair al-rafhawi, Palestinaina born in 1992, has fake passport carried name Ahmed Adam Ali
jihadist who cross the Islamic State's borders for the first time is ought to
acknowledge the Borders Directorate everything about himself, even what he
wants to be: a suicide bomber, a martyr, a fighter, or an administrative
worker. And many of the people who join the Islamic State as administrative
workers have degrees in engineering, computers and many strong majors.

Two thirds of ISIS manpower were from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. 25% of ISIS fighters are Saudis, the data disclosed.
has also posted 122 documents of fighters from around the world who they wanted
to carry out suicide attacks.
The documents, which issued
between 2013-2014, had the word "secret" at the bottom, while on the
top it had the name "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant," or ISIL,
on one top corner and the "General Directorate of Borders" on the
To download suicide bombers list Here
To view the documents click Here
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