Translation by Yusra Ahmed
(Eqtsad)- The effect of the regime’s decision to reduce the production capacity and working hours for the auxiliary bakeries have started to appear in regime-held area, as long crowded queues are noticed at bakeries to get small amount of bread.
Damascus”, The pro-regime Facebook page has published photos of bakeries in Damascus and the countryside showing crowded queues, commenting that the regime’s decision to reduce the working hours and the production capacity was nothing more than a new way to humiliate the Syrian people.
The facebook page mentioned that people were forced to wait for more than two hours and a half to get bread, and that caused lots of troubles, frays and chaos while people are waiting in front of bakeries.
The Syrian regime’s Ministry of Trade and Protecting Consumers had Last Thursday issued a statement to the auxiliary bakeries ordering them to reduce the production capacity (from 14 tonnes to almost 10 tonnes) and reducing the working hours from 22 hours to 16. Therefore such a crisis for getting bread was anticipated, and it happened quicker than expected.
The regime is trying to humiliate the Syrian people and pressurize them in different means, and this time it uses the “bread”, the essential and most important part of food for Syrians.
(Eqtsad)- The effect of the regime’s decision to reduce the production capacity and working hours for the auxiliary bakeries have started to appear in regime-held area, as long crowded queues are noticed at bakeries to get small amount of bread.
Damascus”, The pro-regime Facebook page has published photos of bakeries in Damascus and the countryside showing crowded queues, commenting that the regime’s decision to reduce the working hours and the production capacity was nothing more than a new way to humiliate the Syrian people.
The facebook page mentioned that people were forced to wait for more than two hours and a half to get bread, and that caused lots of troubles, frays and chaos while people are waiting in front of bakeries.
The Syrian regime’s Ministry of Trade and Protecting Consumers had Last Thursday issued a statement to the auxiliary bakeries ordering them to reduce the production capacity (from 14 tonnes to almost 10 tonnes) and reducing the working hours from 22 hours to 16. Therefore such a crisis for getting bread was anticipated, and it happened quicker than expected.
The regime is trying to humiliate the Syrian people and pressurize them in different means, and this time it uses the “bread”, the essential and most important part of food for Syrians.
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