Iyad Jaafari
(Zaman al-Wasl)- Eqtsad received many questions from its followers in Egypt regarding refugee resettlement issue from Egypt to western countries and how can a Syrian refugee or Palestinian Syrian refugee apply to resettlement? Who is the party responsible of processing these files? What are the standards of the process of choosing fit refugees for resettlement in western countries?
Many questions regarding this issue and we asked human rights advocate Firas al-Haj Yahya who knows about several experiences regarding this issue. He provided Eqtsad with sufficient details and elaborate answers regarding resettlement process of Syrian refugees in Egypt to western countries.
Yahya pointed out firstly that resettlement is in general one of the permanent solutions for refuge issue and it is not really for all refugees. The other solutions include integration, voluntary return to hoe country in case danger is over.
Regarding Syrians residing in Egypt, following the “shameful” Turkish European deal to stop flow of refugees start of 2016 as Yahya described, European states gave up responsibility towards Syrian refugees in Egypt and did not allocate a quota for a Syrian refugee resident in Egypt to be resettled in Europe. Here, Europe put UNHCR in an impasse. The Turkish European deal contributed to increase of illegal migrants after they closed down the road for legal recorded refugees through UNHCR. Here European states are to blame and not UNHCR.
Yahya clarified that in 2016, there were only three countries receiving Syrian refugees from Egypt; the United States, Canada, and few numbers received by United Kingdom.
Regarding the party to whom resettlement applications are made?
Yahya answers, “Syrian refugees resident in Egypt do not have the right to apply for resettlement like other refugees and the reason is the huge number of Syrians and the inability to receive applications for this big number. Here it should be noted to some notes provided by UNHCR to refugees in Cairo regarding this to warn Syrian refugees from falling victims to brokers who claim to be able to resettle them.
UNHCR has clarified to refugee affairs in Egypt the following: we realize the rumors spread by different media channels and social media websites including WhatsApp and SMS messages and Facebook regarding resettlement. Refugees have to be careful when dealing with these applications and rumors. Please do not share personal information with anyone and kindly take these notes regarding resettlement process at UNHCR:
- A resettlement application cannot be made. UNHCR selects and nominates cases for resettlement.
- Resettlement is always for free without any cost like all services offered by UNHCR and its partners.
- Whoever claims to be able to apply to resettlement for a cost, he is a fraud. If someone called you regarding this, please inform UNHCR.
Regarding the standards that can make a file eligible for resettlement?
Yahya answers, “firstly, we have to notice the financial or living situation for the refugee is not considered a reason nor standard for resettlement at all. Standards’ issue vary from one country to another. UNHCR exclusively nominates candidates without any role of persons regarding this. Following nomination for the file, UNHCR shows the file to the countries who demand Syrian refugees to resettle and UNHCR’s role finishes with nomination. The decision after nomination is made by the country which can accept or decline the file. Sometimes, some countries select standards for refugees who can be resettled and UNHCR’s role here is to nominate files that fit with the standards of the hosting country. İt is a free process and UNHCR is not paid for it.”
Yahya adds,”in general the standards which apply to refugees regardless of citizenship is the case of an ex-political detainee for long period with physical or psychological torture, case of terminal disease or need to treatment or an operation that cannot be made in Egypt. A case of permanent disability or paralysis, a woman who lives with her children and the husband is dead or missing or lives alone, danger threatening the life of refugee, passing of 10 years of being registered as refugees but was unable to integrate in the country registered in as refugee, minors without a father or a mother registered as refugees and do not have mother or father. These are the prominent standards for which UNHCR nominates and investigate the cases to fit the standards. The hosting countries are the ones to make the final decision.”
Regarding Palestinian Syrian refugees, Yahya indicates, “resettlement in principle is the right of every refugee registered in Cairo and whose file was accepted and so it applies to Syrians registered at UNHCR in Cairo and unfortunately it does not apply to Palestinian Syrian refugees who are affiliated with UNRWA and are not under the work or register of UNHCR in Cairo.”
The numbers of those resettled from Egypt?
Yahya appeals to Syrian refugees saying, “I hope from our Syrian brothers in Egypt to stop dealing with brokers or with persons who exploit their need for resettlement and claim they can help them for huge money. Those brokers make pages on social networks to collect data and information regarding those refugees and they exploit them financially without offiering them any service. Resettlement is made via UNHCR exclusively and its a process free of charge and no one can interfere in this process.”
Yahya concludes, “these are the most important points and here I stress that Turkish European deal regarding refugees harmed alot of registered refugees at UNHCR in Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt as European states stopped receiving refugees through UNHCR or from these countries and they only take refugees from Turkey.”
Yahya appeals to Syrian refugees saying, “I hope from our Syrian brothers in Egypt to stop dealing with brokers or with persons who exploit their need for resettlement and claim they can help them for huge money. Those brokers make pages on social networks to collect data and information regarding those refugees and they exploit them financially without offering them any service. Resettlement is made via UNHCR exclusively and its a process free of charge and no one can interfere in this process.”
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