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Draft Resolution to reconstruct Opposition National Council

Translation by Yusra AhmedZaman Alwasl has obtained a draft resolution to re-establish the opposition group, Syrian National Council, that will be discussed in upcoming SNC meeting 11th October.

The draft proposal identifies the council which consists of 15 Syrian components as: “a political revolutionary alliance aims to overthrow the current dictatorial corrupted Syrian regime and participate in completing the following transitional period to reach to a civilian democratic pluralistic regime, guarantees public freedoms, human dignity, social justice and full citizenship for all members and components of Syrian society and rotating authority among its political forces through periodic, genuine and transparent elections”


The project Justifies re-establishing the Council by the new circumstances created after forming the National Coalition, which has replaced the Council, which in turn has become one of its key components, as an opposition entity represents Syrian people. If some members leave the national Council, they can present themselves independently in the coalition, while those who stay in it the national council, can only be represented in the coalition through the national Council's share in the coalition.


To tackle the disruption and chaos in the Council's relationship with the coalition as well as within and between its components as a result of that change, it became imperative to redefine the identity of the National Council and its remaining components, besides restrict membership within its General Assembly to suite the new situation.


With regard to the start working in the new formation, the proposal revealed that the current General Secretariat is considered a Foundation authority and will recognize this agreement at its next meeting , then the current Executive Office will complete the execution procedures which includes distributing members of the General Secretariat on the existing components according to their belongings and affiliations, beside that, the office responsible of identifying independent members.

The rule will be 9 members for each component, however a footnote says that components’ representation can be correlated to the size of component on ground, and might have only 3 or 6 members, therefore, there is a need for re-determining the representation.


The meeting of the General Assembly will take place in the second half of November, in which a new General Secretariat and a new executive office will be elected, as well as a president and vice president. The meeting will develop a new action plan for the oncoming phase after adopting the political program of the Council.

Here is the full copy of the project proposal:


1- Reasons behind the re-establishment of the National council:


The initial purpose behind establishing the Syrian National Council and then expanding it to include more components as possible, was to find a political coalition to support the revolution and represent it in international events and forums, and to find a political cover. But after people inside Syria demonstrate to support it, the ambition raised for the council to represent all Syrian people and ensure their needs and continuing the revolution and to negotiate on their behalf in Arab, regional and international forums. However, after a National Coalition was established this task has moved to to the coalition and the Council has become one of its components. Some members in the council left it and represent themselves independently, and the rest kept within the council’s share in the coalition. As a result of that change, disruption and chaos in the Council's relationship with the coalition as well as within and between its components as a result of that change, it became imperative to redefine the identity of the National Council and its remaining components, besides restrict membership within its General Assembly to suite the new situation.


2- The new identification of the Council:


A political revolutionary alliance aims to overthrow the Syrian current dictatorial corrupted regime and participate in completing the following transitional period to reach to a civilian democratic pluralistic regime, guarantees public freedoms, human dignity, social justice and full citizenship for all members and components of Syrian society and rotating authority among its political forces through periodic, genuine and transparent elections.


3 - Political program regulates the council’s work:


The Council's political program will be in line with the new definition and objectives. All preceding documents will be adopted as long as it do not conflict with it and other disagreeable documents will be modified. The council will be formed of the components accepted the program which will be binding to them and they have to work according to it.


4 - Mechanism of representation and decision-making within the Council:


The components evenly represented within the Council in all its institutions, and decisions are taken consensually.


5 - The proposed of the new composition of the council:


1. The new General Assembly consists of 135 members at most.


2. Each component will have 9 members in the General Assembly.


3. Current members of the Secretariat are considered members of the General Assembly of the new council and the number will be deducted from the component’s quotas they belong to. The components have the right to replace its members. Members who do not belong to any component, will be represented independently.


4. The Syrian National Council consists of the following components :


• Muslim Brotherhood


• Damascus Declaration


• Free People's Movement


• Syrian Patriotic Movement

• Assyrian Organization


• An independent Kurdish bloc


• Turkmen bloc


• Independent National Bloc


• National Working Group


• The protection of civilians


• Syrian Tribal Council


• The Supreme Revolutionary council.


• Independent Democrats bloc


• Revolutionary movement and local coordination committees


• Independent elements


5. The General Secretariat to be elected from the General Assembly at 1/3 ratio, and the Executive Office is elected from the General Secretariat at 1/3 ratio.

6. The president and vice president are elected from the the Executive Office, while the rest members of the office head offices and committees in order to ensure a close correlation between the leadership and committees in the council.


7. Members in the General Assembly are distributed on offices and committees in order to achieve the principles of efficiency and the representation for all components so that everyone contributes in all activities of the Council.


8. Election for this institution  to take place annually.


9. General Assembly holds regular meetings every 6 months.


10. General Secretariat meets regularly every month, and meets the Executive Office weekly.


6. The start of working in the new formation


The current General Secretariat is considered a Foundation Authority and will recognize this agreement at its next meeting, and the current Executive office will be responsible for the execution procedure as follow:

• Members of the General Secretariat to be distributed on the existing components according to their belongings and affiliations.

• The current Executive Office will request from each component to complete the number of its members to 9.

• executive procedures which includes that, the office responsible of identifying independent members.

• The first meeting of the new formation will be held in the second half of November in which a new General Secretariat and a new executive office will be elected as well as a president and vice president of the council. The meeting will develop a new action plan for the oncoming phase after adopting the political program of the Council.


The components’ representation can be correlated to the size of component on ground. It would be fairer to have only 3 or 6 representatives; therefore, there is a need for re-determining the representation, and we will notice that there will be no place for some components which were accepted at the expansion.

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Special to Zaman Alwasl
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