The Shiite Turn in Syria (Part Three) is in-depth study by the researcher Khalid Sindawi, Zaman Alwasl republishes this important paper which appeared before in Volume 8 of Current Trends in Islamist Ideology, published by Hudson Institute, according to the mounting role of political Shia in Syria we have published two parts about The Alawite Factor in Syria where the first part was an overwhelming introduction to the Shiism hidden world in Syria. Here's the third part about the Prior History of Shiism in Syria.
Syria’s Shiite Shrines
Several internationally important Shiite
shrines serve as anchors for the Shiite population in Syria as well as
attracting visitors from abroad. The shrines are financially self-supporting
and belong to the Ministry of Religious Endowments. However, Iran has taken the
opportunity to extend its influence into Syria by financing development in some
of these locations.
Native Syrian Shiites live mostly in
various neighborhoods of the capital itself, as well as in a few towns and
villages in the provinces of Hims and Hama. Most Iraqi Shiites in Syria reside in
the Sayyida Zaynab region to the south of the capital Damascus, an area that
has grown up around one of the main shrines of Shiism, the tomb of Zaynab the
Greatdaughter of Ali b. Abi Talib. Zaynab’s tomb, which is used for
lectures and religious celebrations, as well as for the dissemination of Shiite
religious literature, is the largest Shiite center in Syria.
In addition, numerous Iranian tourists visit the shrine. The number of
pilgrims, which stood at 27,000 in the year 1978, rose to 202,000 in 2003. This
increase in visits has also brought about an increase in Iranian influence in
The shrine of Sayyida Ruqayya is the
second most frequently visited Shiite shrine in Syria. Due
to its central location inside the capital, it draws large crowds for the daily
public prayers and the weekly Friday prayer. The shrine’s imam, Shaykh Nabil
al-Halbawi, is one of the most prominent Shiite personalities in Syria.
At times the presence of Shiite shrines
in Syria has led to Iranian involvement and has resulted in friction. At the
beginning of the 1990s at the shrine of Sayyida Sukayna, located
in the Small Gate (al-Bab
al-Saghir) cemetery in Damascus, the Iranians constructed a large tomb
over the old one. They purchased the land around it for a courtyard that would
be capable of holding the hundreds, and later thousands, of Iranian pilgrims
who began visiting the site, now called Sayyida Sukayna, Daughter of our Master
Ali b. Abi Talib, Peace Be On Him. After having purchased the land, the
Iranians also began constructing a very large husayniyya(Shiite
house of prayer) at the grave site.
The large building in Darayya, located
very close to Damascus, is still under construction, but already shops and
residential buildings have arisen around it, as well as hotels, in preparation
for the establishment of a Shiite center in the city of Darayya. Senior Iranian
leaders visit the site and express their support for the project. The latest
among these was Iran’s Prime Minister Ahmadinejad, who arrived there on his
latest visit to Syria, on January 20 2006.
The town’s residents were aware of the
Iranian plans for their city and protested to the mayor, who was favorably
disposed towards the residents. However, the Syrian regime, and especially its
security agencies, took a harsh stand, fired the sympathetic mayor, and
installed another one. The new mayor informed the townspeople that he could do
nothing since the security forces had threatened dire consequences for the
entire town if its residents continued to protest against the Iranian project.
The signs on the shrine and the shops are all in both Arabic and Persian. As a
result of the area’s development, land prices and the rent of shops have
Prior History of Shiism in
Shiism has a long history in Syria. It
can be traced back to the seventh century CE, although it became prevalent
there only in the tenth century CE. The Shiite creed continued to spread during
the ascendancy of the Ismaili Shiite Fatimid dynasty (969-1172 CE), which ruled
over Egypt and extended its control to Syria as well during the eleventh
century CE. Subsequently, however, Shiism in Syria began to wane due to the
animosity of the Ayyubid dynasty (1171-1250 CE) and later of the Ottomans
(1517-1798 CE). By early modern times the adherents of Twelver Shiism in Syria
had become a small minority.
The first prominent modern Shiite to have
engaged in converting others to Shiism in Syria was the scholar Abd al-Rahman
Khayr (b.1925). However, conversion did not take place in significant numbers
before the activities of Jamil al-Asad, brother of the late Syrian President
Hafiz al-Asad, in the 1980s.
The beginnings of the trend to conversion
can be traced back to a visit that Musa al-Sadr made in 1974 to the elders of
the Alawite community in the Latakia Mountains in the coastal area of the
country. He was preceded by the Ayatollah al-Shirazi, who produced the
well-known ruling according to which the people of that region were to be
considered Twelver Shiites. Jamil al-Asad began to encourage
conversion to Shiism in this same region, especially among members of the
Alawite community. He sent groups of Alawites to study Twelver Shiism in Iran,
and upon their return to Syria they disseminated the Shiite creed among their
fellow Alawites. Al-Asad built husayniyyas in the mountains, where before there
had been only Alawite shrines. In order to make Shiism more acceptable to the
people there he appointed a Shiite shaykh to head the Alawite al-Zahra Mosque
in the city of Baniyas on the Syrian coast.
After Hafiz al-Asad came to power in
1970, some Sunni religious leaders expressed their opposition to him because of
his Alawite religious affiliation. In order to ingratiate himself with them,
al-Asad began attending services in mosques and gave dinner parties during the
month of Ramadan for religious leaders following their fast.
He also had his brother Jamil set up the
Alawite al-Murtada Association, with branches all over Syria. Hafiz al-Asad
established the al-Murtada Association in order to show that the Alawites
belonged to the larger community of Shiites so that they would not remain a
After some in-depth research, Hafiz
al-Asad asked the Ayatollah Muhammad Husayn Fadlallah to work in Syria. He
opened an office in the Sayyida Zaynab neighborhood of Damascus, and later
Syrian television began broadcasting programs with the Iraqi Shiite Shaykh Abd
al-Hamid al-Muhajir. However, after Bashar al-Asad came to power in the year
2000, Fadlallah’s influence waned somewhat; his place was taken by the Iranian
embassy, working through its cultural attaché in Aleppo.
Although the late Syrian President Hafiz
al-Asad maintained a strategic alliance with Iran, he did not permit the
principles of the Iranian Revolution to gain a foothold in Syria. In fact, he
systematically and firmly restrained the Iranian presence, and occasionally
went so far as to close down institutions funded by Iran, including clinics.
The Iranians attempted to gain entry into areas populated by Alawites by
exploiting their religious affinities with them, but the Syrian president took
a number of steps both inside and outside the Alawite community to ensure that
the Iranian attempt to infiltrate the Syrian heartland did not succeed. The
president also ordered the Mufti of Syria, Ahmad Kaftaru, to establish schools
for Quranic study throughout Syria, including in predominantly Alawite regions
of the country. These schools are called “al-Asad Institutes for Memorizing the
Quran.” He also forbade sending students to study religion in Iran.
Increasing Iranian Influence in
When Bashar al-Asad became president, the
balance his father had established began to shift in favor of Iranian influence
and Shiism. Campaigns were instituted among ordinary Syrians to encourage them
to convert to Shiism. Numerous sources have accused Dr. Ahmad Badr al-Din
al-Hassun, Syria’s Chief Mufti, of having secretly converted to Shiism. Many
such accusations were heard in the wake of his sermon on last year’s Ashura
Day. In that sermon he made many statements sympathetic to Shiite doctrine,
accusing all the Muslim caliphs, from Muawiya onward, of unbelief, and stating
that Ali was God’s proof for His creatures and that the existence of the
Prophet’s family ensured justice and peace in the world.
It should be noted, however, that the
Islamist Syrian Member of Parliament Muhammad Habash, head of the Islamic
Studies Center in Damascus, has denied the recent allegations that have
appeared on websites and in the Arab press declaring the Chief Mufti’s secret
conversion to Shiism.
Under Bashar al-Asad’s rule a number of
changes have occurred in official propaganda, as reflected in the local and
satellite television channels and radio stations available in Syria. Syrians
have access to foreign networks like al-Manar, which broadcasts from Lebanon
and promotes conversion to Shiism in Syria and elsewhere. There are also a
number of local channels that broadcast Shiite traditions, pictures, lectures,
and Quranic exegesis and openly carry missionary content. Syrian television
gives a weekly (at least) hour-long broadcast slot to the Shiite missionary Abd
al-Hamid al-Muhajir. It also gives broadcast time to the Iraqi Abd al-Zahra,
especially during the month of Ramadan, when he reads Quranic verses followed
by songs and hymns in praise of the Prophet’s family. Another source of Shiite
material is an FM radio station that broadcasts ideological and political
messages similar to those of the Hezbollah radio stations in Lebanon and those
belonging to the Supreme Council of the Iranian Revolution in Iraq.
The Asad regime promotes the media
appearance of pro-Iranian shaykhs at the expense of Sunni notables. These
Shiite clerics use the official media to give lessons whose content is liable
to arouse conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites (an example being their attitude
towards the Prophet’s Companions). The positions they have taken have been met
with very sharp reactions, especially in Damascus but in other areas as well,
such as Aleppo and its environs.
Today there are reportedly more than five
hundred husayniyyas under construction in Syria; according to other sources,
this number refers just to Damascus. In addition, the regime has naturalized
Iranians and pro-Iranian Iraqi Shiites. According to some sources, twenty
thousand Iranians have been given Syrian citizenship. This,
however, has been disputed by Syrian Sunni clerics.
While the Syrian regime has granted
Syrian citizenship to tens of thousands of Iranians, it has been denying
citizenship to native Syrian Kurds for forty years. The Syrian regime also
supports Iran in its repression of the Bedouins of Ahwaz in Iran (although they
are Shiites, too). In October 2007 newspaper reports claimed that the Syrian
regime had turned over to the Teheran government a number of Ahwazis who oppose
the Iranian regime.
Observers point out that the close
relations between Syria and Iran, especially since their strategic alliance in
1980, have enabled Iran to operate in Syrian territory. Thus senior Syrian and
Iranian officials attend the various celebrations organized by the chancellery
in Damascus on Iranian national holidays, such as the annual celebration in
honor of the Iranian Revolution, and religious holidays, such as the death of
Husayn on the day of Ashura.
Tribal heads, especially in the al-Raqqa
area, are invited by the Iranian ambassador to visit Iran free of charge, as
are other notables in Syria, including professors at religious colleges. One
such trip was made by a group of tribal leaders headed by Hamid al-Jarba, the
shaykh of the Shamr tribe, Faysal al-Arif, the shaykh of the Khafaja tribe, and
Awwad al Awamleh, the shaykh of the al-Wahb tribe from the town of al-Buwayhij.
Such visitors come back to Syria laden with presents and with bulging pockets.
Financial inducements play a notable role
in Iranian promotion of Shiism. Poor people, for instance, are given loans in
the name of Muslim solidarity, and eventually are told they do not have to pay
it back. Similarly,
free medical care is provided in Iranian charity hospitals in Syria, such as
the Imam Khomeini Hospital in Damascus and the Red Crescent Hospital and the
Charity Hospital in Aleppo.
Syrian and Iranian Shiite missionaries
sometimes offer cash to people, or offer to help them in their commercial or
official dealings. Such inducements are usually offered to notables and heads
of clans, especially in the area between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, where
this method is merely a continuation of the Iraqi system for controlling the
people through the heads of tribes and clans. Another way to encourage converts
is by providing them with a wife, or with basic necessities such as oil, sugar,
rice, and butter.
The Asad regime has also imported a
special Iranian militia whose task is to protect the government. The militia is
composed of about three thousand Iranian troops as well as a number of units of
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that specialize in urban warfare. These troops
operate alongside the Syrian Republican Guard, headed by Mahir al-Asad.
According to a number of sources, those
who display opposition to the wave of religious and political missionary work
carried out by Iranian organizations—which is felt especially strongly in the
Syrian province of al-Raqqa—and those who dare express disapproval of the fact
that some poverty-stricken members of Bedouin tribes were converted to Shiism,
claim that many of the Bedouin tribes converted to Shiism for financial
motives. These critics attest that the Syrian government and Iranian missionary
activity took advantage of the Bedouin’s poverty to convert them to Shiism . In
the al-Raqqa province, the opponents were liable to be arrested by Syrian
security forces and accused of being Wahhabis or fundamentalists.
The Role of Education
Education is another tool used by the
Asad government to promote Shiism and ties with Iran. For example, at the
beginning of the 2006-2007 school year, a Shiite religious college was opened
in the town of al-Tabaqa, with an enrollment of more than two hundred students.
The Shiites had no trouble receiving a permit to open this college, although in
the entire country there are only two Sunni religious colleges, one in Damascus
and the other in Aleppo. The latter had to wait decades for approval, which
finally came in 2007. Recently it was reported that Iran has received
permission from the Syrian authorities to establish a large Iranian university
with numerous faculties.
Scholarships are made available for study
at Qum and Teheran, especially for advanced students chosen for their academic
or social background. These institutions give preferential treatment to
students who support the authorities. Such students are then given jobs, as
happened with Syria’s Chief Mufti, Ahmad al-Hassun, and others. Some students
are permitted to study at the hawza (Shiite
seminary) of
the shrine of Sayyida Zaynab, where they do not pay tuition and are provided
with a monthly, unconditional stipend. Lending libraries, called “stores” (hawanit) have been
opened by the Iranians in all the Shiite centers in Syria. The libraries also
distribute books free of charge and give prizes (of 1,000 Syrian pounds per
book) to readers.
All of these measures encourage the study
of Shiism. The Syrian Ministry of Education may have overreached, however, when
it issued a ban on primary-school education in Sunni religious institutions of
learning. Sunni religious scholars, and especially the Association of Ulema in
Syria, declared this to be an oppressive step. At first, despite the tensions
this step aroused within the Syrian cabinet, the regime did nothing to
alleviate the situation. The Association of Ulema even met with President
al-Asad himself to discuss the situation, but he refused to overturn his
minister’s decision. Ultimately, however, after the internal turmoil in Syria
and the conflict between the Syrian Sunni leadership and the Iranian
institutions came to a head, the Syrian regime decided to back off from its
decision to abolish primary-school education in Sunni religious institutions of
The Effect of the Lebanon
Conversions in Syria War of 2006 on Shiite Conversions in Syria
In thinking about Shiism in Syria it is
impossible to ignore the role of Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite organization
with ideological and strategic ties to Iran. While Syria was in control of
Lebanon it provided the organization with political and military support, and
in return Hezbollah was Syria’s main ally in Lebanon.
The thirty-three day war between Israel
and Lebanon in the summer of 2006 gave rise to a wave of admiration among
Syrians for Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah and his organization because of
their resistance against Israel. As a result, Shiism came to be seen in a more
positive light, and more Syrian Sunnis converted to Shiism. Hezbollah’s
perceived achievements and victories in the war also brought about an increase
in Iranian activity. According to Mustafa al-Sada, a young Shiite cleric who
came into contact with numerous Sunnis who showed an interest in adopting the
Shiite creed, “George Bush did us a service and unified the Arabs.” Al-Sada
said that he knew seventy-five Sunnis in Damascus who had converted to Shiism
since the beginning of hostilities in Lebanon in July 2007, and that the war
gave additional impetus to the rising trend in recent years to adopt the Shiite
Wail Khalil, for example, a
twenty-one-year-old student of international law at Damascus University, says
that “for the first time in my life I saw a war in which the Arabs were
victorious.” Subsequently Khalil, a Sunni, began to observe Shiite rites, and
he plans to convert completely to Shiism.
Since the war, pictures of Hasan Nasrallah
and of Khamenei have been more widely displayed than the region’s other
political leaders. Anyone walking through the streets of Damascus today will
see pictures of President Bashar al-Asad alongside the Hezbollah leader. These
pictures are displayed on shop fronts, private cars, buses, and walls. Local
Syrian intellectuals explain that these pictures express patriotism rather than
sectarian religious feelings, since Nasrallah has become more a national symbol
than a religious one.
Charges and Countercharges
In reaction to the increasing pace of
conversion to Shiism in Syria and the Syrian government’s indifference, the
prominent Saudi religious propagandist Salman al-Awda, head of the Islam Today
Institute, sounded a warning on October 22, 2006. He pointed out that “Shiite
expansion among Sunnis constitutes playing with fire.”In statements to the
press Awda declared that “Shiism is spreading apace in Syria especially, and in
a number of other countries of the Muslim world as well. A part of this trend may
be ascribed to political motives, in other words to show support for the
Iranian political presence. But this does not mean that others do not confuse
the political and ideological aspects.”
Awda points to the various ways the
Shiite creed is being disseminated in Syria: “Material inducements are used to
convince people to adopt Shiism. As a result husayniyyas have proliferated, and
all attempts to oppose this trend have been put down.” Awda’s declarations came
after a number of Iranian organizations constructed two shrines, one over the
grave of the Companion Ammar b. Yasir and the other over the grave of the tabii’i Uways
al-Qarni in the northeastern province of al-Raqqa, where Iranian cultural
offices were opened as well.
Shiite clerics in Syria rebut Awda’s
accusations. The two most prominent Syrian Shiite religious leaders in Syria,
Abdallah Nizam and Nabil Halbawi have denied that any “Shiite missionary
campaign” is taking place among Sunnis and have demanded that the accusers
produce evidence for their claims.
A prominent religious leader of the
Alawite community, Dhu al-Fiqar Ghazal, has also denied any efforts to convert
Alawites to Shiism. In a lengthy talk on arab he
spoke about the differences between Alawites and Shiites and stressed that the
Syrian regime did not rule as an Alawite regime, and that the Alawites had
gained their position thanks to the love of the people. He added that Syrians
coexist well with each other and that the Alawite community is more open and
secular than most, and willing to maintain dialogue with those who are
The Shiite cleric Abdallah Nizam,
supervisor of Shiite institutions and shrines in Syria and a teacher at the
Sayyida Zaynab hawza sent a letter of rebuke to Awda in which he said: “We wish
to put al-Awda’s mind at ease; there is no danger to the Sunni creed here, and
we oppose people selling their faith.”
Like Awda, former Syrian Vice President
Abd al-Halim Khaddam, who opposes the present regime, accuses the Iranian
ambassador in Damascus of engaging in missionary work in Syria. Khaddam claims
“the Iranian ambassador in Damascus moves around Syria with greater freedom
than its own Prime Minister.” In an interview with UPI, Khaddam
declared that the Iranian ambassador exploited the poverty in the country by
building shrines where Companions of the Prophet supposedly stayed and by
giving money to the poor, with the objective of building an Iranian party
within Syria by means of converting people to Shiism.
Other prominent Syrians have accused the
Iranian cultural chancellery in Damascus of activities that are not consistent
with its declared aims; that it promotes conversion to Shiism in Syria, and
that it actually operates under Iran’s Supreme Spiritual Leader Ali Khamenei,
despite its official status as a part of the Iranian embassy.
Dr. Wahba al-Zuhayli, a well-known Syrian
Islamic cleric and thinker, accused the chancellery of offering inducements in
the form of cash, houses and cars in order to attract people to Shiism. He
pointed out that “hundreds of Syrians in Deir al-Zor, al-Raqqa, Dar’a and the
al-Ghuta region near Damascus have succumbed to the chancellery’s inducements
and converted to Shiism” (according to a newspaper report from October 31, 2006
on the news website belonging to the Middle East Center in London).
The Shiite conversions have also roiled
Sunni Islamists. The head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, Ali Sadr al-Din
al-Bayanuni, told the Quds Press Agency that “the entire conversion to Shiism
activity in Syria is just an attempt to create confusion so as to bring about a
change in the social composition of Syrian society.”
Conversion in Deir al-Zor
The wave of conversions to Shiism in the
Deir al-Zor region can be traced to the town of Hatla, where ten percent of the
total population of thirty thousand has embraced Shiism. The conversions began
with Umar al-Hammadi, a sergeant major in the army who served in western and
southern Syria and converted to Shiism in 1979 while stationed in Dar’a. He is
reported to have worked closely with the Iranians, and in the same year he also
convinced his cousin and brother-in-law, Yasin al-Ma’yuf, to embrace the Shiite
creed. At that time these were the only two converts.
In 1982 the Imam al-Murtada Association,
founded by Jamil al-Asad, invited Syrian notables and tribal chiefs to the
Association’s headquarters in al-Qardaha and asked for their cooperation with
its missionary activities. Al-Mayuf was appointed head of the Association’s
Hatla branch. The association was very active and spent great sums of money,
until it was closed down by Hafiz al-Asad in the mid-1980s. But before it was
disbanded, Yasin Mayuf was put in contact with Iran. He became one of the
students sent to that country. He and others, including Ibrahim al-Sayir,
continued to receive money from the Iranian Cultural Chancellery in Damascus,
the Sayyida Zaynab hawza, and from a
number of Shiites from the Persian Gulf.
After Mayuf came back from Iran at the
beginning of the 1990s, Shiite influence began to be felt in public. Even the
call to prayer in the Hatla mosque now included the phrase “and Ali is the
regent of Allah.” Mayuf, who had become a very wealthy man thanks to Iranian
support, used his money to induce people to convert to Shiism, either by way of
direct payments, or by letting shops in a bazaar he owned for a paltry sum. Next
to his home, Mayuf built a prayer hall where Ashura commemoration ceremonies
were held.
Husayn al-Raja, a relative of Mayuf, as
the chief Shiite missionary in the Deir al-Zor region, also has become a
wealthy man. He
has reportedly hosted large banquets to which he invited tribal notables and
many people from the village. He has filmed the events and sent the videotape,
which purportedly features people that he has converted to Shiism, to Iran. For
this he has received great sums of money. He is also said to film gatherings,
such as weddings and popular festivals, sending the videos to Iran on the same
pretext. In fact, he allegedly sent one of his men to film cars on the highway
between al-Raqqa and Deir al-Zor, which he then claimed to belong to people whom
he had converted to Shiism. At present Raja gives a weekly sermon in
A number of intellectuals in
the Deir al-Zor region are also active in promoting conversion to Shiism. One
of these is Amir Shabib, owner of a bookstore called the Venerable Quran
Bookshop on Deir al-Zor’s main square. Another is Abdallah Hamdan, whose father
converted to Shiism first, followed by his son in 1990. He is a cousin of Yasin
al-Mayuf. At the time of writing he sells books on the Euphrates Bridge near
the al-Saraya Mosque. He gives away books on Shiism, especially to women and
girls. (Among the books which are given away there: Twelver
Shiismand The Prophet’s Family by
Muhammad Jawad Mughniya, and The Prophet’s Family in Noah’s
Ark by
Munir Ali Khan.) He sells other books on installment in order to attract more
In the Deir al-Zor region, in the town of
Hatla and its neighboring villages, at least six husayniyyas have been built
recently. Numerous
husayniyyas can also be found in the surrounding villages. The land on which
the husayniyyas are constructed is acquired for huge sums of money, as an
inducement to the owners. Such transactions take place even in towns where
there are no converts to Shiism, in order to gain a foot hold in the area.
Occasionally land is bought for a million Syrian pounds per dunam, although its
market price is no more than fifty-thousand. Increasing numbers of large and
ornate husayniyyas are currently under planning and construction.
Muhammad al-Shamri reports that young
converts to Shiism argue against the Sunni faith in front of their friends and
colleagues while offering them monetary and material inducements. Marriages to
willing Shiite women are quickly arranged for those whom they manage to win
over; the brides are often Iranian. Shia converts also invite the villagers and
tribe members to feasts and provide them with supplies such as rice, flour,
sugar and the like. At first they do not call on their guests to convert, but
merely attempt to win their hearts. Later, at a second or third feast, they
will try to convince them to adopt the Shiite faith. Furthermore,
it is reported that the aforementioned Yasin al-Mayuf and Husayn al-Raja
brought bags of money from Damascus to Deir al-Zor during the Lebanon war in
the summer of 2006, which was distributed among non-Shiite Lebanese refugees
who came to the area, perhaps for purposes of conversion.
Money for conversions continues to arrive
in the province, although sources differ about the precise origin. A man from
the Persian Gulf area is said to arrive at Deir al-Zor once a month. According
to some reports he, and not the Iranian Cultural Chancellery in Damascus,
brings the money, although according to other reports the man and the
Chancellery work in cooperation with each other. This man gives the money to
Mayuf and Raja and tells them how much to distribute to each convert. The usual
sum is five-thousand Syrian pounds per month.
Not all attempts to expand Shiite
practice in the province have succeeded. For example, in 1996 Abd al-Hamid
al-Muhajir made
a journey through the provinces of Syria and visited centers of conversion,
including the Ammar b. Yasir mosque. The Syrian authorities ordered
the preachers in the mosques and students to attend a sermon given by Muhajir,
but its content aroused the anger of a number of Sunni clerics, who succeeded,
with the help of some tribal leaders close to the regime, to put a stop to his
travels throughout the country.
In 1998 a group of Shiite clerics visited
the mufti of Deir al-Zor during the holiday of Id al-Fitr. They attacked the
Sunni creed, whereupon the mufti said to them: “I was with President Hafiz
al-Asad just two days ago, and he told me that he did not want any sectarian
strife here.” With these words he foiled their plan to curse the Prophet’s
Similarly, in 2003 a delegation of Shiite
clerics from Damascus visited the Khalid b. al-Walid Mosque at the outskirts of
Deir al-Zor. They informed the mosque’s preacher that they had an official
permit to search for tombs of members of the Prophet’s family and to maintain
them properly. They asked that he cooperate with them and that he let them
supervise the mosque. When he refused, they attempted to harass him and to
acquire the land around the mosque, where they intended to construct a large
husayniyya. Their attempts did not succeed.
In 2006 some wealthy Shiite converts
wanted to construct a husayniyya in the
village of Ayn Ali. But a day after the foundations were laid, the villagers
took them apart and removed them. At the moment of writing the attempt to
construct the husayniyya has not been renewed.
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