By Shams el-Deen Matoun
(Eqtsad)- Cost of marriage in Syria, like all other services and issues, have become difficult and costing, not only the dowry that is paid to the wife to prepare herself and clothes before marriage, as people started to ignore it and just recorded on the marriage contract as "unpaid”, but that does not mean to prevent the bride from enjoying some presents and new clothes, but these days the spending is as little as possible to fit with the groom.
"In the past, a dowry of 75,000 Syrian pound was enough to fill the wardrobe of the bride for a year" Rawdha, 45, from Damascus said.
"I am now helping my brother in purchasing garment for his daughter, we have only bough few necessary objects and clothes and we spent S.P 100,000 so far”, she detailed.
In regard to the "engagement ring" which is the nonnegotiable aspect of marriage steps, has become a financial burden for young men as well as it cost Mohamed, 22 years old about S.P 100,000. He added that he was not able to buy anything else as a gift to his fiancé.
“Thank God that gold is forbidden to men”, Mohamed said.
The drop in the value of the Syrian pound led to a sharp rise in the prices of all materials in general, including the bride's requirements. Eqtsad covered prices of some products like: bed cover is for an average of S.P 22,000, but before the revolution it was for S.P 5000. Bed sheets S.P3000 but previously for S.P450, the average rent cost for a wedding dress with S.P 5000 liras, while before the revolution, the total price for the same quality of wedding dress was up to S.P5000 before the revolution.
Adnan, a-20- year-old man thinks that the idea of marriage is far from him. "If I want to think of marriage, I need to have at least $ 1,000 in my pocket, he said.
In liberated areas the story might be a little pit brighter, according to Obaidah experience. He did not need to spend more than few dollars for his marriage as the cost for transportation of his future wife from Damascus to Northern of Idlb.
"I had my marriage contract over the social networking , after that I prepared a modest home, then I called my fiancé t come with little of her stuff.
"Nothing deserves thinking a lot of, we live at under the mercy of warplanes, which might destroy our house or even kill us any moment”, Obaidah's wife said.
Obeida explains that what led him to this way of marriage is the deterioration of living conditions, which left the Syrian families under only few options therefore, they had only two options, either to spend their money on the marriage customs from buying a home, organizing big wedding and celebration, and spend money on clothes and gold, or forgetting the whole idea of marriage, but they has chosen to break the customs and live in their simple warm marital nest.
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