(Eqtsad)- Cases of deep sorrow for unknown reasons is what most of the Syrians today speak about after more than three years of their stay in European countries ..
For example, it is difficult for Ahmed, a resident of France and his family, to know why he is disgusted by the situation in which he lives. He eats, drinks, dresses, lives in a good house, and his children are in schools and he receives a good salary. Still, he is always gloomy and sad, and feels that life has lost its taste and its former flavor.
The same is true for Samir, Adel, Mahmoud, etc., and many of those who chose the European countries as their place of residence. They have nothing to talk about except their loss of appetite for life, and they are beginning to experience contradictory situations, of intense emotion, of introversion and unwillingness to interact with anyone, at other times.
What do Syrian refugees get exposed to in Europe? Are these the symptoms of the European depression known to hit Europeans? Or do they have their own reasons, which are mostly related to the difficulty of integrating with the new society and the loss of communication with the old society?
With old residents in Europe
To do justice to the Syrians suffering from depression when they only have been residing in Europe for more than three years, it was necessary to talk to long-time residents in this country in order to find out about their experience and benefit from it.
In this context, Dr. Adnan, a doctor in a French hospital for more than 13 years, sees that the European depression is different from what is experienced by Syrians who came to Europe recently.
"The Europeans are gloomy even though they live in their own country and in their society. The reason, as most studies say is not as common as ours. It is not due to the loss of social intimacy as we commonly think, but due to the harsh capitalist conditions and lifestyle that turned them into non-stop machines, and sometimes only to cover the costs of getting rid of this cruelty. "
"So, on holidays and leaves, you feel like they are wrestling with moments and trying to live with all their details and madness. Some of them are 30 years old and they have tried everything in their lives from adventures, and have nothing to discover again. That's why depression is creeping into their souls, " he clarified.
As for the Syrians, Dr. Adnan sees that nothing applies to them, and it is not true that the weather itself is the cause of depression, as some say, because in this case we will say that the weather in the Gulf states is more severe. Why do not we talk about the depression of the Syrians there?
Dr. Adnan believes that the Syrian depression, if it is true is due to many factors. The first is the transition from one place to another. The newcomer needs at least five years to adapt or to learn the language of the country faster. Family life itself which imposes new rules for dealing with its members, is a strong reason for a person to feel depressed, because of the loss of the role he played over the course of his former life. For example, the relationship between the couple, or the father and mother relationship with the kids.
He adds that there are those who talk about the state bureaucracy of paperwork and official transactions in the European government departments and that they are causing them boredom and depression. Bu this is not true at all, but it is used by some to hide the deep reasons for their sadness and depression.
In conclusion, Dr. Adnan believes that those who talk about their boredom, their disgust and boredom from this country, if today you asked them return to their country, they will strongly refuse, and most of them, if they are chosen as a final homeland, between their country and the European countries, they would choose the later without hesitation!
-Sorrows in exile-
Researcher in sociology Dr. Badr Noman prefers to call the suffering of the Syrians in European countries a state of boredom and boredom rather than depression. He believes that the group that talks about this matter is confined to the generation of parents only while the young do not talk about this.
Dr. Noman considered that the reason is logical and right to suffer this particular category of boredom a because they, first, came here under compulsory conditions without planning or preparation, and even without knowledge about the societies they are coming to.
"Most of them have come up with a very idealized image of society, European politics, human rights, well-being, education, health insurance and other human privileges, many of which were believed to be the secret of human happiness, but on the ground, the concept of happiness is thorny and complex, Specifically, to seek to achieve what you are deprived of, not to achieve the thing itself, " he continued.
"Syrians left their country and left friends, relatives, acquaintances and friends, or all of them dispersed all over the world, and it is impossible to meet again," Dr. Noman said. "That left them with a state of nerve-racking and constant anticipation. To prepare to hear bad news about them at any moment, not to mention the new conditions of life in the European country and its requirements, which Syria was not prepared for in any way, so there have been in recent years a lot of cases of family dispersion, which was primarily due to the awakening of previous problems between couple, to be resolved in a destructive revengeful way and specifically by the wife .
"The second generation of Syrians in Europe, the generation of children, will be more stable and will give more. This will take at least 10 years," concludes Dr. Noman.
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