“Countering Violent Extremism …. Extremists’
map in Syria “. A study made by Ark organization and Zaman Alwasl obtained a
copy of these documents.
The study which consists of 32 pages,
concentrates on 3 organizations, which are: al-Nsura Front, The Islamic State
of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), and Ahrar al-Sham Islamic Movement, and it
explains the emergence of each group, its structure, and the type of media
platform it uses, and its distribution map.
"Ark", which took its name from the
first letters of the words "analysis, research, and knowledge" in
English, said in the introduction of the study that "Syria today is a land
of a complicated conflict, which is increasingly taken a sectarian turn and
producing extremist groups, and it became possible to rate a number of entities
and armed groups in Syria today, whether pro-or anti-regime, as extremist
“The growing extremism and sectarianism in
rebels’ ranks, was largely due to the weakness of the international community
and it’s abandonment of the Syrian people, and the flow of support to the more
ideologically radical Islamists, among the rebels.” The study added
The scarcity of a continuous external support
to the moderate factions, gave the chance to the extremist radical factions to
achieve huge gains in Syria, pointing out that" Al Nusra "and"
ISIL "and" Ahrar Al Sham "are the most prominent, radical,
groups who adopt the Salfai approach in Syria. The study added.
It also says that the al-Nusra Front and Ahrar
al-Sham concentrate on helping the Syrian people to overthrow the regime, which
gave the two groups respect and credibility among people, While The Islamic
State of Iraq and the Levant "ISIL” is considered to be a group of
"foreign fighters", and their aggressiveness in establishing their
project estranged them from civilians and even rebels.
In another study that (Zaman al Wasl has got a
copy from) titled “facing violence extremism… understanding extremists’ letters
in Syria” which consists of 21 pages and addressing concepts such as Al Jihad,
the establishment of an Islamic state, Syrians’ perceptions in regard of
extremists, and also tries to convey some of the opinions regarding the
relationship between the radical factions and Bashar al Assad, and whether the
regime has built or contributed to the growth of these factions.
In the beginning of this study, Ark says” while
the power of extremist groups has grown inside Syria, they had their own media
and specific communication strategies, where ISIL and Al Nusra plead Syrians
for their support, just as they focused on addressing the “international
Mujahdeen community “which provides fighters to these groups as well as the
financial and legitimate support.
Overall, the two studies of "Ark"
haven’t added anything new or unknown information, and the collection of
testimonies, clips, pictures, are scattered and published on the internet and
available for whoever search for it.
What is noticeable about Ark activity which is
part of the project "Basma “is that an e-mail directed from a staff in
"U.S. Central Command," talked about a meeting that was held in the
United Kingdom in November 25/12/2013 to decide on the next steps toward
"Basma "and that the U.S. State Department joined the meeting and
sent an envoy.
The U.S. Department of Defense refused to send
a representative, which is seen by the writer of this letter as a
“missed opportunity”, he wondered
whether;" U.S. Central Command "- which oversees U.S. forces in the
region - had any suggestions or desires concerning "Basma" in the future.
The emails which Zaman Al Wasl have got a copy
from , address Basma’s financing and Britain’s efforts in this regard, and urge
the United States to participate in its financing , in order for Basma to be
more expansive and effective after praising its efforts and products ,
especially the two studies annexed by the mail regarding the extremists groups
in Syria .
In his email, the writer calls the concerned
persons to allocate additional support to Basma because it will enforce a
success with the modest cost! as he describes it .
Ark denied to Zaman Al Wasl any involvement
with intelligence work or any accusations, and explained the nature of its work
in supporting the Syrian revolution and the relation of its project to the
countries which finance it.
Ark explained at length, that the report which
has been published recently was leaked from the U.S. intelligence. Translation
by Dani Murad
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