In a courthouse
near Cairo, a peremptory message hangs above the judge presiding over
one of a series of trials involving Egypt's briefly powerful and now
almost impotent Muslim Brotherhood. "In the name of God the
Merciful", it reads, "Allah commands you to render trust to whom it is
due, and when you judge between people to judge with justice". The chaotic scenes in the court do not appear to measure up. A
metal cage held 33 members of the Brotherhood - outlawed as a terrorist
organization after the army last July deposed Mohamed Mursi, the
elected president who ruled in the Brotherhood's name for one tumultuous
year. Among them was Mohamed
Badie, supreme guide of the Brotherhood. It is the most influential
mainstream Islamist organization in the world and its confrontation with
the army-backed authorities in Cairo has created a country more divided
than at any time since the group was founded in Egypt in 1928. Dressed
in white robes and facing a string of charges, some of which carry the
death penalty, the Brothers kept up a barrage of chants, from Allahu
Akbar (God is Greatest) to "Down, down with military rule". The
judge, heavily moustached and wearing black sunglasses, looked bored as
he scornfully dismissed pleas from lawyers asking for more respectful
treatment of their clients. The
judge brusquely ordered defendants and lawyers to be shut up. Scuffles
broke out. A phalanx of policemen separated the caged Brothers from
lawyers and journalists. Badie then
rose to proclaim that "the people will not accept an army tyrant",
referring to Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the general who carried out last
July's coup after mass protests against the divisive Mursi and who
recently resigned from the military to contest a presidential election
on May 26-27. Before the curtain
came down on this judicial mayhem, the Brotherhood's spiritual leader
forecast the inevitable demise of Sisi, despite forecasts that he will
win next month's election. REMINISCENT OF MUBARAK ERA It
was thought scenes like this had been brought to an end when President
Hosni Mubarak was toppled in the 2011 Tahrir Square revolt. But now
history seems to be repeating itself, with the army bent on eradicating
the Islamists militarily. Mubarak's
army-backed dictatorship, the continuation of a police state
established by Gamal Abdel Nasser with the ousting of the monarchy in
1952, had faced down an Islamist insurgency that targeted him, his
ministers and tourists in the 1990s. In
30 years of Mubarak rule, military tribunals with scant respect for
civil law sentenced 90 Islamist militants to death, of whom 68 were
executed. In nine months of Sisi's army-led government, courts have
condemned 529 Islamists to death. Nor was Egypt
so polarized then as it is now. Over 1,000 Mursi supporters were shot
dead after last July's coup, and some 16,000 Brothers, and leaders of
the secular youth movement that sparked the Tahrir revolt, have been
rounded up and jailed. Officials
privately agree that Egypt needs not just the iron fist but a whole new
outlook from its rulers, including an overhaul of the nation's religious
and political institutions. The
pent-up anger among the Tahrir Square youth, close watchers say, is
likely to explode again if Sisi or his future government fail to create
jobs in the Arab world's most populous country of 85 million people. "This
country is known to turn on a sixpence very quickly. Sisi is now a
total hero, he can be tomorrow's villain. He knows that," said a
European diplomat. "I wouldn't want to be in his shoes." Sisi's
security establishment has already destroyed nearly all opposition,
Islamist and secular. Besides the 529 Islamists sentenced to death,
almost 1,000 more have been brought before the courts. Defense
lawyers say Egypt's judiciary is handing down politically motivated
sentences to wipe out the Brotherhood, which won a series of elections
after the fall of Mubarak. DISTANT DREAM? The crackdown, the most brutal in Egypt's modern history, is fuelling a violent Islamist insurgency across the country. Since
the coup, insurgent attacks have spread from the ungoverned badlands of
the Sinai peninsula into the cities, with a rash of attacks on police,
security targets and judges. Alaa Abdel Fattah, a secular young software
engineer and blogger at the heart of the 2011 Tahrir rebellion who is
now being prosecuted for demonstrating against the new post-coup order,
says Egypt is a dark place now. "The
country is more militarized now than under Mubarak (and) the scale of
violence, repression, corruption and direct military control is
unprecedented," Fattah says. "We are already in a much worse position
than during Mubarak's time." "The hope that existed after the downfall of Mubarak has become a distant memory," he said. Warning
that Sisi has to resolve huge problems that will not evaporate, he says
"there is despair among a young generation; they are offering nothing.
There is no future, no jobs for graduates and no way out". For
now, Sisi enjoys the adulation of the majority of Egyptians, who see
him as a savior following three decades of Mubarak and three turbulent
years since his demise. They appear to believe he is the man to improve
their lot. "People on the street
tell me: Don't talk to me about democracy, talk to me about bread and
butter," said Khaled Dawoud, an activist and spokesman for the liberal
Dostour Party. The economic
pressures in Egypt, where millions endure poverty and unemployment,
remain the most serious threat to its stability. GROWING INSURGENCY Sisi,
politicians say, is aware of how dangerous the situation is but depends
on his generals and army intelligence for information about the state
of the country. A youth boycott
this year of a referendum on a new constitution drawn up by a panel
named by the military-backed interim government sent shockwaves through
the establishment. There are fears that Sisi's rise to power will provoke more Islamist protests and tempt him to use force to silence all dissent. "When
Sisi becomes president the Brotherhood won't stop protesting, we won't
see any let-up in the crackdown, and as long as you have instability we
won't have economic recovery," said Dawoud. Former
Deputy Prime Minister Ziad Bahaeddine, a moderate in the army-backed
government, said Egypt's future depends on rebuilding national consensus
on issues such as a budget deficit estimated at 11 percent of GDP, fuel
subsidies that eat up one quarter of the budget, and addressing acute
poverty while maintaining growth. "Egypt totally collapsed. If you don't have a national approach you cannot do anything," he said. Sisi has defended his crackdown, saying he has to eradicate terrorism, protect national interests and the economy, including the country's industrial base, which has been hit by instability. Egypt's
battle with the fundamentalists dates back 60 years. Presidents Nasser
and Anwar Sadat tried to crush them but each time the crackdowns failed
to eradicate political Islam. The
confrontation with the Brotherhood is particularly hard because of their
wider popular base. The movement is embedded in society and spread
across Egypt's villages and towns. STUCK IN A TIME WARP The
Egyptian authorities accuse them of fomenting a jihadi insurgency which
appears to be gathering force since the coup, accusations the
Brotherhood dismisses. Ahead of
next month's polls, those who have worked with Sisi say he did not oust
Mursi to advance his own presidential ambitions, but has found himself
almost obliged to step forward at a critical juncture of Egypt's
history. They describe him as
pragmatic and driven by what he sees as the national interest of Egypt.
He regards the army as the only reliable institution able to protect
Egypt, take it through a divisive period and prevent a breakdown of the
whole system. That is why, they
argue, he has taken control of billions of dollars in aid from the Gulf
rushed to Egypt after the coup, and intends to supervise what Cairo
hopes will be a further wave of investment from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. "I
don't believe Sisi had a plan from the outset to push them out of power
and take over. It was a progression of events - there was a political
crisis and millions went to the streets - in which the army felt it had
no choice," the European diplomat said. Looking
forward, there is a consensus among diplomats extending even to some
officials, that the military solution will not solve the problem and is
making a bad situation worse. But
the Brotherhood is determined to present itself as a victim stripped of
legitimate power rather than a movement that can learn from its mistakes
and negotiate a return to mainstream politics. "The
Muslim Brotherhood is stubborn and fossilized. It needs to change and
move on to a new policy. It is still where it was before July. It is
stuck in a bunker," the European diplomat said. Yet many Egyptians have no faith in the army either. "We
tried the military for 60 years and where did we get to? We got
corruption, no proper healthcare or education, no real political power
or parties. This was the achievement of Mubarak so why do you want to
repeat that again?" said Dawoud.
Egypt's Tahrir Square dream fades as Sisi builds power

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