The full Report about Tal Kalakh Prepared by
Syrian Network for Human Rights
Period covered: 18/6/2013 to 25/6/2013
Lebanese Hezbollah accompanied by Shabiha and
Syrian Government's Armed Forces started wide attack in the period between 18/6/2013 ended
in 25/6/2013
, led to many massacres where
at least 15 victims
were killed including 2 ladies ,three SFA, 60 missing citizen and more than
200 victims
, in addition to looting and destruction
On Tuesday 18/6/2013 , Lebanese Hezbollah militia accompanied to Shabiha from the
Alawite villages surrounded the city and Syrian Government's Armed Troops
started a siege on the city where Syrian Government cut off communication,
electricity and water.
Thursday 20/6/2013, After the siege where they prevent the entry and exist of
anyone, they stated a very heavy shelling with artillery, rocket launcher, and
warplanes led to 40
injuries , the shelling lasted for two days.
Saturday 22/6/2013, those troops launched a ground offensive attack accompanied
with large number of tank and armored vehicles on the north side and west side
of Talkalakh city , led to fall many neighborhood very quickly : Tal-Alshamali
, Mahata and western neighborhood, we could document 5 victims including 4 civilians
: 2 ladies
and 1 famous
media activist Mohamd Ahmad Maisara Aldandashi , who was filming the looting
and shelling , and a lawyer , and 1 Syrian Free Army, in addition to 18 victims .
We've got many frequent news, where we were
not able to check the news of field execution and residents kidnapping cause of
cut off communication and the banded imposed on all media and human rights
Talkalakh mediates Homs city and Tartous city,45 km west
of Homs and almost the same distance east of Tartous city.
It has a strategic importance, cause it is
located on Homs Tartous highway, adjoined to the Lebanese border adjoined
Lebanese border just 5 km north of Lebanon.
Talkalakh surrounded by villages of Alwite
It had a population of almost 55.000 before its residents
displaced as many Syrian opposition city cause of frequent shelling and Homes
destructions especially in the last few months, where most of her residents
fled out and displaced.
Video shows random shelling on the city
Other video shows shelling on civilians houses
Name of victims that we could document :
1- Mohamd Ahmad Maisara Aldandashi, media activist
2- Ahmad Ramez Methqal : Syrian Free Army :
3- Lawyer Nawaf Alaakari
4- Ms. Hanadi Aldarzi
5- Ms. Iman Ibrahim
Troops that stormed the city also destroyed the only medical point that exist there and then prevented to entre drugs or allows ICRC to enter the city.
Sunday 23/6/2013 , they started siege on the rest neighborhoods such as eastern neighborhood, Ghalion mountain neighborhood and Alsook neighborhood and tried to storm into where violent clashes took place between Syrian Free Army Soldiers and them , led to many victims and injuries.
Monday 24/6/2013 : the shelling renewed again on the city from Ras Alnaaba villages led to many victims, then those troops who stormed the city and the started mop up operations , looting , burning houses, and news of rape women.
Tuesday 25/6/2013 . invasive forces controlled most of the neighborhoods in the city after Syrian Free Army soldiers pulled from the city to the neighboring countryside, they killed 8 citizens by field executions residents in city center, more than 30 victims are disappeared they arrested them and took them to unknown places.
The victims that SNHR documented their names and recognized them are at least 15 victims : 3 SFA , 12 civilians , 2 women , and 1 media activist :
1- Ali Haidar : Homs / Talkalakh
2- Mahomd Husain Borghali : Homs / Talkalakh
3- Ammar Husain Borghali : Homs / Talkalakh
4- Khudur Hamadi : Homs / Talkalakh
5- Sinan Halom : Homs / Talkalakh
6- Khaled Halom : Homs / Talkalakh
7- Mostafa Shahwan : Homs / Talkalakh
8- Ayman Hasan Hanof : Homs / Talkalakh
9- Ms. Iman Ibrahim : Homs / Talkalakh
10-Lawyer Nawaf Alaakari : Homs / Talkalakh
11-Mohamd Ahmad Maisara Aldandashi, media activist
12-Ms. Hanadi Aldarzi
Syrian Free Army victims:
1- Zakaria Yahia Albasha : Homs / Talkalakh
2- Ahmad Ramez Methqal : Homs / Talkalakh Ahmad Ramez Methqal : Syrian Free - -Army :
3- Bashar Alharb : Jablah / Lattakia defeat soldier
The invasive troops established many checkpoints inside the city that most of her residents fled out fear of executions and rape. The city is almost empty , paralyzed with no movements. Terror and panic prevailed there on the contrary of what Syrian Government said that they re-Security and stability for the people from gangs , Al-Qaeda and Nasra.
Responsibility of States
Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts , similarly Customary IHL provides that states that the state is responsible for all acts committed by a members of its military and security forces , thus the states is responsible of wrongful acts committed by its military and security forces including crimes against humanity
Prohibition crimes against humanity are among the rules of jus cogens or peremptory , and punish such crimes is compulsory according to the General principles of international law. Moreover, the crimes against humanity are the height violations of basic human rights, such as the right to life and prohibition of torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. In accordance with the principles of State responsibility in international law, Syrian Arabic Republic hold responsibility for such crimes and violations, the duty to ensure punishment of the perpetrators individually and the duty to provide compensation to victims
SNHR hold all violations committed by Syrian Government Armed Forces to the Syrian government and the General Commander of the army and the armed forces, Bashar Al-Assad, and to all the officials of security branches , and to all financially and morally supporters to those forces, with the legal judicial and material consequences to the victims and their families in addition to all the reactions that will come by the families or their friends
Conclusions :
1- SNHR emphases that collective and individual killings as reported previously was deliberately targeted unarmed civilians , despite government claims that Alqaeda and terrorists committed these crimes , thus Syria Government's Armed Forces and Shabiha violated international human rights law that protects the right of life , in addition to being committed in non-international armed conflicts a crimes tantamount to war crimes and had all the conditions
2- SNHR emphases that the killing happened in Talkalakh is crime against humanity , and elements of systematic and widespread attack against civilian population in the town , where there were a siege , shelling , ground attack , house searches , executions
The same applies on rape , kidnapping , looting and thefts even it is relatively less than Extrajudicial killings .
3- Random Attacks committed by Syrian Government's Armed Forces considered as violation of customary international humanitarian law , where they shelled a populated areas not a specific military target
4- Those attacks , especially bombings, have caused occasional losses of civilian life, injury or damage to civilian objects. There are very strong indications to believe that the damage was too excessive when compared to the expected military advantage.
5- Syrian Government's Armed Forces and Shabiha committed various types of cruel and inhuman acts of torture against people in violation of the State's obligations under international humanitarian law and international human rights law
6- SNHR emphasis that Syrian Government's Armed Forces and Shabiha war crime of looting. And contributed to the destruction and burning of property during searches of homes in the events of Talkalakh.
7- The volume of the massacre and repeated nature of the massacres , the excessive force used and random nature of the shelling and coordinated nature of the attack couldn't be unless under the higher guidance which is a state policy
Recommendations :
Syrian Governments
1- immediately stop all human rights' violations.
2- Respect international obligations of protection of civilians in time of war, and respect for rules of international humanitarian law and international human rights law
Human Rights Council :
1- Demand the Security Council and the concerned international institutions to hold their responsibilities of what's happening for the Syrian People of killing , rape , displacement , and arrested
2- Pay more and Serious attentions of torturing death cases which considered as the worst type of crimes at all
3- Pressure on the Syrian Government Troops to stop torturing and killing and release all kidnapped and arrested
4- Hold alias and supporters of the Syrian Government Troops : Russia , Iran and China , the moral and physical responsibilities for what's happening to the Syrian people
Security Council :
1- Decision to refer all the criminals and the involved to ICC
2- Warn the Syrian Government Troops of their percussions of using brutal methods on the stability of civil peace and coexistence between the people of the same society
Arab League :
1- Demand Human Right Council and United Nations to give a serious and right attention of stop daily killing
2- Political and diplomatic pressure on the Syrian Government Troops 's main allies-Russia, Iran and China -to prevent them from continuous providing cover and international and political protection for all the crimes committed against the Syrian people and hold them moral and physical responsibility for all the excesses of the Syrian Government Troops
3- Serious attention of this case and give it high priority, and try to take care of victim families Psychologically and materially and educationally
Zaman Alwasl- Exclusive
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