In the
border towns where Syrian rebels recuperate and resupply, the buzz is that the
long wait for Barack Obama may be near an end. The excitement is not the result
of the White House announcement on June 13 that the United States will supply
light weapons to the groups seeking to overthrow the homicidal regime of Bashar
al-Assad. Bullets and body armor won’t help much against Assad’s tanks, bombs
and mortars. But the rebels say they see Obama’s hand in some bigger,
less-publicized developments: the arrival of more and better antitank weapons,
and rumors of long-withheld antiaircraft weapons. The heavier ordnance is
coming from Europe, the gulf and — as The Times reportedSaturday — from Libya. But it seems to
be flowing now with a wink and a nod from the U.S.
“These thing don’t happen without
America’s permission,” said a logistics coordinator for a rebel unit fighting
in Homs, the birthplace of the uprising.
When I set
out to meet with Syrian rebel operatives in the wake of Obama’s halfhearted
shift, I expected a reaction of rolled eyes, too-little-too-late and
thanks-for-nothing. What I found was a surprising surge of optimism, a sense
that something has changed — specifically, that America is inching toward more
serious engagement.
Of course,
nobody is saying this is yet a game-changer. Gen. Salim Idris, the former
Syrian Army officer who heads the opposition Supreme Military Council, told me
that while the Americans have become more helpful in recent days, the
speculation about antiaircraft missiles is premature, and there is still no
sign that the United States is willing to enforce a no-fly zone or use cruise
missiles against Syrian airfields, which could shift the advantage to the
rebels. (I’m told Qatar arranged a small shipment of surface-to-air missiles and
the U.S. looked the other way.) Whatever the details, intentionally or not,
Obama has raised expectations.
Whether this
fresh whiff of faith in America is justified, only the president can tell us,
and I wish he would.
It’s hard to
tell what has driven Obama even this far. Is it the prodding of critics like
Bill Clinton, mocking the president’s poll-minded caution? Is there a belated
revulsion at the humanitarian catastrophe? A recognition that diplomacy backed
by nothing much — which has been the White House answer until recently — is a
fool’s errand? Whether or not you agree with me that America has a big stake in
the outcome, you are entitled to wonder: What, exactly, is the strategy?
Assad has
been pounding his people mercilessly for more than two years, with a death toll
that is nearing 100,000, the total for the entire Bosnian war in about half the
time. With or without chemical weapons, Assad has achieved mass destruction and
cinematic desperation. In Aleppo, Syria’s biggest city, rebels say residents
have already clear-cut the trees for fuel to get through one cold winter under
siege and will face the next one without firewood. In Homs, a rebel from that
city said, the opposition recently completed a two-mile tunnel, foul from
crossed sewage lines, to bring in supplies and evacuate the sick and wounded.
The refugee
burden is straining the good will and budgets of neighboring countries. In
Jordan and Lebanon the frictions between fleeing Syrians and the locals have
erupted in violence.
In Turkey,
which has been by far the most warmly hospitable neighbor to the rebels and the
displaced, refugee camps like Altinozu, a camp we visited in Hatay, were once a
media novelty. Now some of them have become more like permanent settlements:
clinics, classrooms, laundry service, arts and crafts classes, Al Jazeera news
on TV and Internet access, all paid for by the Turkish government at some price
in public resentment. And here in Reyhanli last month, a duet of car bombs
assumed to be spillover of the Syrian war killed more than 50 people.
Like the
rebels, the refugees are waiting for America.
“They think
American will have the last word,” said a camp administrator. “When America
decides, it will end, and they can go home.”
We should
have no illusion that this war will end neatly, whatever we do. The opposition
figures I talked to concede that Syria now is a much bigger mess than a year
ago. Assad is faring better thanks to help from Iran, Russia and Hezbollah. The
opposition is fractured into so many “Grandsons of the Prophet” and “Tiger
Brigades” that it is hard to keep the players straight. The umbrella Free
Syrian Army that General Idris’s council oversees labors to keep track of the
metastasizing fighting units, and doesn’t pretend to control them all. And of course,
among the rebels there is a minority of fanatic Islamists with Qaeda
sympathies, filling a vacuum the standoffish West declined to fill.
Over tea in
a Reyhanli cafe with a view of the Syrian hills, I asked a rebel commander
named Abu Jarah how he imagined Syria after Assad.
Somalia plus Afghanistan,” he replied.
That, I
allowed, was a pretty horrifying prospect.
“Not our
mistake,” he said. “It’s not what we want. It’s what you gave us, with two
years standing and watching.”
In Istanbul,
Fahed Awad, a spokesman for one major Free Syrian Army battalion, told me, with
disarming candor, that it would probably take three wars to complete the Syrian
revolution — one to defeat Assad; then a sectarian war within Islam between the
Sunnis and Assad’s Shia sect, the Alawites; and finally a fight over just how
Islamic the new Syria should be. (Like most of the opposition, he favors a more
secular Islamic democracy, similar to Turkey’s.)
These are
worst-case scenarios, but hardly far-fetched. That is one reason so many
Americans recoil from any involvement. Seared by two wars in the region,
Americans are understandably doubtful that Syria is our problem, or within our
competence, or even within our comprehension. While many Syrians believe
America just wants to keep Syria weak, the more sophisticated understand that
their uprising is a casualty of Iraq and Afghanistan.
“We’ve been
unlucky in our revolution,” said Awad, acknowledging America’s reluctance.
“Unlucky in our timing. Unlucky in our geography.”
I’ve written before that
Syria is, in critical ways, not Iraq redux. The stakes this time are real, not
fabricated; the insurgency is genuine and indigenous; we have options far short
of occupation. We should not, as Bill Clinton put it in his recent excoriation
of Obama’s passivity, “overlearn the lessons of the past.”
What we know
is that without our involvement several things are likely: The slaughter will
continue. The menacing alliance of Iran, Hezbollah and Syria, stoked by Russia,
will be empowered and emboldened. America’s influence on issues like Iran’s
nuclear program will be seriously diminished. Jordan and Lebanon and Iraq will
be destabilized. Bloodied Syria will be more than ever a breeding ground of
Tabler, a Syria expert at the Washington Institute, says that even if Assad
remains in power, large swaths of Syria will remain beyond his control. “We
have a Syria which is being transformed from a U.S.-listed state sponsor of
terrorism — which is bad enough — into a Syria divided into three parts, with
terrorist groups ascendant in each. And Syria is home to the largest stockpile
of chemical weapons in the region.”
The dangers
of intervention, even a carefully calibrated intervention, are real. But
keeping our distance doesn’t avoid them. It just postpones them and raises the
except perhaps our enemies, wants to see American troops in Syria. Our aim
should be to make life so miserable for Assad and his friends that he agrees,
or his sponsors agree, that it is time to stop the killing, send Assad and his
circle into exile, and move from blood bath to diplomacy. Is that achievable? I
honestly don’t know. But given the certain costs of doing nothing, I think it’s
worth a try. I wish I knew whether President Obama felt the same.
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