and drought have crippled Syria's wheat crop, with some experts now
forecasting output of the staple food could fall to around a third of
pre-war levels, and possibly even below 1 million metric tons ( 1 metric
ton = 1.1023 tons) for the first time in 40 years, Reuters said in an exclusive report two weeks ago. Agricultural experts,
traders and Syrian farmers who talked to Reuters gave crop estimates
ranging from one million metric tons to 1.7 million at best, a more
pessimistic range than that given by the United Nations earlier this month. Before the war, Syria
produced around 3.5 million metric tons of wheat on average, enough to
satisfy local demand and usually permit substantial exports, thanks in
part to irrigation from the Euphrates river that waters its vast eastern
desert. The last time its
wheat harvest failed to exceed 1 million metric tons was 1973, although
catastrophic droughts have pushed the crop close to that level in 1989
and 2008. "This year the maximum that Syria will reach in terms of local wheat production will not exceed 1 million metric tons," a Middle East-based commodities trade source with knowledge of Syrian grain markets said. "One
of the main factors limiting production is that it is becoming
increasingly difficult to produce it given the extent of the war. There
is genuine fear on the ground in traditional production areas and the
risks are high." The
U.N.'s World Food Programme (WFP) had cited an estimate of 1.7 million
to 2 million metric tons for this year and said that rainfall relied on
for crops in Syria's northwestern region was less than half of the
average since September, according to Reuters. "There are a host of factors, starting from the start of plowing to soil fertilization to harvesting and transport and marketing,
and the whole process is disrupted, all is reduced to a minimum level,"
Hillal Mohammad, a UN agricultural expert based in Amman, said. Before
the war, the Syrian government typically bought around 2.5 million
metric tons of wheat each year to distribute to bakeries that feed the
public subsidized bread, and to bolster its strategic reserve. Government
purchases of domestic wheat have declined and are expected to fall
further as chaos caused by civil war and drought hurt the state's
ability to secure supplies. Nearly
a third of Syrians have either fled the country or are displaced within
it, and swathes of territory are in the hands of rebels fighting to
overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, where the government food distribution system has crumbled. The
agriculture ministry told state media earlier this month that wheat was
being grown on 1.2 million hectares of land but did not give an
estimate of how much would be produced or bought by the government.
Syria typically planted 1.7 million hectares before the war, according
to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Experts
doubt the Damascus government's ability to forecast figures accurately,
citing the difficulty of gaining access to most crop growing areas. "It's
difficult for agricultural officials in a country where state organs
have effectively lost administrative control of large swathes of
territory in the main grain producing Jazira area to assess the crop
sown in these areas, let alone estimate production," said an
agricultural expert with close knowledge of Syria, who spoke on
condition he not be identified. Agriculture ministry officials declined to comment on the matter when contacted by Reuters. Yusef
Abu Ahmed, a farmer in Atma, a northern village near the Turkish
border, said by telephone that the length of wheat stalks was about 20
centimeters compared with 80 centimeters in normal years. Some
farmers have pumped underground water to compensate for poor rain, but
the high cost of diesel has limited that choice for others in the
western agricultural belt of Idlib, Aleppo and Homs, where wheat
production is mostly rain-fed. "Our
wheat straw will end up being used for grazing because of the poor rain
this season," said Ibrahim al-Sheikh, a 36 year-old farmer in the
plains of Halazoun, in rebel held northwestern Syria. DISRUPTIONS TO STATE PROCUREMENT With
drought hitting its rain-fed wheat crop in the west, the hope for Syria
seems to lie in its irrigated crop lands in the east, which before the
crisis constituted almost 60-70 percent of the country's total wheat
production. Some local
farmers told Reuters they have sown large tracts of land using elaborate
irrigation canals and dams that preceded the crisis, and have escaped
widespread damage. The agriculture ministry says it set aside 80 billion Syrian pounds ($539.88 million) to buy wheat and barley this season. Still,
even with the funds for procurement set aside and with irrigated lands
escaping the drought, the government is not guaranteed to get its hands
on the production. "Even if there is production, marketing
is severely disrupted," the U.N.'s Mohamed said. "It's getting worse
for farmers getting seed and fertilizers etc, and for the state's
elaborate procurement system, with collection and gathering centers
almost no longer functioning," he said. In
many parts of Syria's main eastern breadbasket area known as al-Jazira,
which spans Hasaka, Deir al-Zour and Raqqa provinces, the government is
not in control. The area around the now rebel-held city of Raqqa alone
produces around a quarter of the national harvest. One local resident from a farming
family said to Reuters the militant Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISSL)
that governs Raqqa and its rural hinterland have told farmers they are
free to dispose of their wheat as they choose, even selling it to
Turkish traders. Government
officials do have good access to areas in Hasaka, Hama and some areas
in the northeastern part of the country near the Kurdish-held Qamishli
city, another agricultural expert said on condition of anonymity. But
the situation in the country overall remains murky. ($1 = 148.1800
Syrian Pounds). Reuters
Syria may face worst wheat harvest in 40 years

Zaman Alwasl
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