(Reuters) - Despite resuming some military aid, the United States appears unlikely to quickly restore the close ties with Egypt
that framed U.S. Middle East policy for decades, as concerns persist
over the authoritarian crackdown since last year's military takeover. Even as Egypt
prepares for elections this month that could give new legitimacy to the
country's military-backed leaders, many Obama administration officials
question the need to restore Egypt to its place as the premier U.S.
partner in the Arab world. Washington's
caution reflects a desire to help Egypt nip a mounting insurgency in
the bud without being seen as sanctioning the interim government's
repression of political opponents and the media. The
focus of bilateral aid, at least for the time being, is on confronting
the militant threat and other security issues while U.S. officials
assess how the country's next government responds to demands to halt the
harsh treatment of dissent. "Going
back to the status quo of the past 30 years is not really an option
that's available to us," a senior administration official said on
condition of anonymity. Egypt has been the second-largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its landmark peace treaty with Israel
in 1979. But the policy was upended by the political transformations
triggered by the 2011 popular uprising that toppled President Hosni
Mubarak. After the army
last July ousted Mohamed Mursi, the Islamist leader elected after that
uprising, Washington responded by freezing much of the annual $1.3
billion in military aid. On
April 22, the U.S. government relaxed its position and said it would
provide $650 million in military financing, a move which required
Secretary of State John Kerry to certify Egypt was maintaining its peace
treaty with Israel. It also announced that it separately would send Egypt 10 U.S. Apache helicopters to help it fight insurgents. Washington
continues to withhold hundreds of millions of dollars more in aid,
along with other hardware that Egypt had requested, including Harpoon
missiles and fighter jets. "Egypt
is a very hard country to support right now, even in Washington among
those who are strong defenders of the relationship," said Amy Hawthorne,
a former State Department official now with the Atlantic Council, a
Washington think tank. "This recent aid decision is about getting parts of our relationship back on track - but it's far from a warm embrace." Egypt
has pursued a campaign against the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist
party that propelled Mursi to power. Western officials have condemned
mass death sentences for Muslim Brotherhood supporters as well as
repression of other opposition parties and imprisonment of some
journalists. "The Obama
administration wants to keep working with Egypt on regional security and
counterterrorism - but at the same time it wants to send a message
about the political transition and the need for greater respect for
basic human rights," said Brian Katulis, an analyst at the Center for
American Progress. "In trying to split the difference between these two goals, the United States has sent an unclear message to Egyptians." SOLDIER TO SOLDIER David
Schenker, a former Pentagon official now at the Washington Institute
for Near East Policy think-tank, said the Defense Department was eager
to move America's strategic relationship with Egypt back to a more
normal footing. Egypt has
been key to U.S. military activity in the region, allowing U.S. aircraft
to fly over Egypt and facilitating U.S. ships' transit in the Suez
Canal. The timing of the
decision last month to resume the $650 million in military financing was
driven mainly by the U.S. government's need to make payments at the end
of April to defense contractors who deliver military assistance to
Egypt, U.S. officials said. The move was made in spite of worries about
the direction the military-backed government has taken. "They've taken steps whenever they've been forced to act for budget
or programmatic reasons - but they really haven't taken any fundamental
decisions about what U.S. policy on Egypt should be in the long-term,"
Katulis said. U.S.
officials hope that the Apaches will help Egypt fight militant groups
based in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, including Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis.
Egyptian officials say the groups have killed about 500 people in recent
months. General Abdel
Fattah al-Sisi, who ousted Mursi and is widely expected to win next
week's presidential vote, said in an interview with Reuters last week
that the West risked letting militant groups in places like Egypt, Libya and Syria metastasize if it didn't act decisively to help fight them. Last
month, the White House announced it would designate Ansar Bayt
al-Maqdis as a terrorist group, another move welcomed by Egypt's
military-backed government. Robert
Springborg, an Egypt expert at the department of war studies at King's
College in London, said that a U.S. focus on counterterrorism could suit
Sisi. He had signaled
since becoming defense minister in 2012 that Egypt needed weaponry
suited for fighting insurgents rather than high-end arms like jets,
which are more useful in a ground war and which had been sought for
decades by Mubarak. State
Department officials, including Secretary of State Kerry, appear to view
U.S. ties to Egypt as increasingly important given the turmoil
throughout the region, particularly in Syria, Iraq and Libya, Schenker said. But
Egypt's fierce crackdown on dissent is still impeding closer ties. "The
White House is looking at this saying there are legitimate human rights
concerns," Schenker said. Where U.S. policy on Egypt is heading is "still being written," a senior U.S. military official said. Even
recently restored aid could ultimately be held up in Congress. On April
29, influential Senator Patrick Leahy said he would not approve the
aid, denouncing death sentences that Egyptian courts have handed down
for hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters or other government
opponents. (Editing by Jason Szep, Peter Henderson and David Storey)
Amid Egypt rights abuses, U.S. stalls over more military aid

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