By Nabil Chofan; Translation by Yusra Ahmed
AMMAN (Zaman Alwasl)-“we are not here to draw attention of media, I think media has lost its breathtaking and influential effects on public opinion, and became a Platonic complementary not able to reach to the bottom of the tragedy, in brief, media today is in case of chaos and each party tries to prove it is the best”, Susanne Somaya, an activist in human rights field said during the sit-in near the Syrian Embassy in Amman, Jordan.
The activist carried on saying that they aim from the sit-in to refresh memory of the century’s crime and wondering about reasons to kill 1400 asleep Syrian children, women and men. “I wonder about people who launched the deadly rockets, are they really Syrians”
Dozens of Syrian demonstrated in the anniversary of the chemical weapon attack on Ghouta, and tried to remind the world of the peacefulness of the Syrian revolution, and the escalating violence against civilians that Syrian regime practiced to suppress the revolution over three years, and its attempts to impress the revolution as an Islamic extremist movement. Protesters raised new slogan like “people want to overthrow the chemical regime” and “ Regime and ISIS work hand in hand”
Elaf Kadah, a journalist from the Syrian Media Organization said to Zaman Alwasl: “those protestors have come to express their condemnation of the world’s silence toward the biggest crime in the recent history, it is clear enough, especially it took place only few kilometers away from the international observers at the time” He added that all Syrians wish to be in their country, not in the refuge by the next anniversary of the crime.
Kadah added that media had not done its role perfectly and failed to transfer the real picture and the crime to world public opinion, as they till now are not sure of the real criminal, even they do not know enough about the chemical weapon crime on Ghouta. “definitely there are many protecting the regime from Media effects"
Ehab al-Eter, a Syrian man from Zamalka said that regime made a big mistake when it thought that the Chemical weapon crime would look minor compared to ISIS’s crimes, he expressed his disappointment from the United Nation’s attitude and role.
The Anniversary’s activity went on in peace without problem with the police in Jordan, despite they prevented without any explanation, the artists from raising a picture of 50 thousand Syrian martyrs, which forced them to leave the sit-in.
In the sit-in, Zaman Alwasl met Mahmood Halawani, a political expert; he confirmed that Syrian people would not forget martyrs and what they had done and their sacrifices to bring freedom to others.
The political expert accused the UN of conspiracy with the regime, as they stripped it from the chemical weapon, in the same time they were not able to accuse him or do anything against who killed 1500 children and women in their sleeping wear asleep peacefully. “if Bashar had known that he would have been punished, he would have not committed his crime, I am sure he has more than the chemical weapon, but I am sure that we would in the end be able to achieve what we are aiming to of civil country based on fairness and freedom.”
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