(Reuters) -
Dozens of reserve soldiers from Israel's top electronic surveillance
unit say they will no longer spy on Palestinians living under
occupation, an unprecedented rebuke to Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu's security policies. The protest letter
signed by 43 veterans of Unit 8200, sent to Netanyahu and armed forces
chiefs and excerpted by Israel's biggest-selling newspaper on Friday,
was dismissed by the military as a publicity stunt by a small minority. But
by decrying the sweep of eavesdropping on Palestinians, and the role
such espionage plays in setting up air strikes that have often inflicted
civilian casualties, the move opened a window on clandestine pratices
that often go unreported. It
also tapped into wider international debate over the ethics of state
surveillance following last year's media leaks by Edward Snowden, a
former contractor with the National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S.
counterpart to Unit 8200. "We
refuse to take part in actions against Palestinians and refuse to
continue serving as a tool for deepening military rule in the occupied
(Palestinian) territories," Yedioth Ahronoth daily quoted the letter as
saying. "Intelligence
allows ongoing control over millions of people, thorough and intrusive
monitoring and invasion into most aspects of life. All of this does not
allow for normal living, fuels more violence and puts off any end to the
conflict." No
signatories' names were published, in apparent keeping with their
non-disclosure commitments to Unit 8200, which monitors enemy Arab
states and Iran as well as the Palestinians. SEX AND AUDIOTAPE Several
were interviewed anonymously by Yedioth and by Israel's Army Radio,
however, and complained about what they described as the abusive
gathering of Palestinians' private information - for example, sexual
preferences or health problems "that might be used to extort people into
becoming informants". Israeli
authorities require court authorisation to spy on its own citizens,
including its 20 percent Arab minority, but are freer when it comes to
Palestinians. Yedioth
said the letter was unrelated to the recent Gaza war, in which some
2,100 Palestinians, most civilians, died. But some of the protesters
rued their contribution to earlier air strikes on militant chiefs that
harmed innocent bystanders. "We
now understand that the responsibility is not just that of the soldier
standing at the checkpoint, the soldier who squeezes the trigger," one
signatory, identified as a Unit 8200 reserve captain, told Army Radio.
"We have responsibility." Netanyahu's office had no immediate comment in response. The
military spokesman's office said in a statement that Unit 8200
personnel were held to ethical standards "without rival in the
intelligence community in Israel or the world", and had internal mechanisms for filing misconduct complaints. That process had been circumvented by the letter writers, the spokesman's office said. That
they went first to the media "raises serious doubt as to the
seriousness of their claims," the statement said. An officer in the
military spokesman's office said there was no indication the signatories
were not indeed Unit 8200 veterans. Amos
Yadlin, a former chief of Israeli military intelligence under
Netanyahu, played down the letter, saying 43 reservists were a "fringe
percentage" of those available to Unit 8200. "It's
a big outfit, so naturally a few of its veterans may gravitate to the
far-left, as well as to the far-right" said Yadlin, who now runs Tel
Aviv University's INSS think-tank. Since peace talks with the Palestinians collapsed into violence in 2000, Israel
has seen similar conscientious objector statements by a small number of
reservists from its air force and its premier infantry unit, as well as
an Oscar-nominated documentary in which former directors of its Shin
Bet internal security agency questioned the sustainability of the
Wiretaps against Palestinians are wrong, Israeli ex-spies tell Netanyahu

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