- Many countries have said they support a coalition the United States
hopes to build to fight Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, but most have been vague about any specific role they might play. Below is a list of some of the key countries that may take part in the anti-IS coalition and where they stand. France has signaled it will carry out air strikes in Iraq
and send special forces to the country to help direct them and to train
armed forces. It is providing arms to the Kurds and will send special
forces to the country to help direct air strikes and train armed forces. France has cited legal and military difficulties in intervening in Syria and said it does not want strikes against IS targets there to benefit Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. France’s
forces are also stretched, with more than 5,000 troops in West Africa.
Its annual overseas defense budget is already almost triple what was
originally planned at a time when the government is under severe
pressure to cut spending. BRITAIN Britain
has said any strikes in Syria would be complicated. It has not ruled
out any military options, but has not explicitly said whether it would
take part in air strikes in Iraq. It has delivered aid, given weapons to
the Kurds and promised training. With
an election less than nine months away and London on tenterhooks ahead
of Thursday's Scottish independence vote, the British government is well
aware of public opposition to Britain’s role in invading Iraq with the
United States in 2003. British Prime
Minister David Cameron is also scarred by an embarrassing parliamentary
defeat last summer, when MPs voted against military action in Syria.
Members of the government have said they would seek a vote before
engaging in any new strikes. Germany,
which broke a post-war pledge not to take part in conflicts by
providing weapons to the Kurds, has ruled out air strikes given its
historic anti-war stance since the end of World War Two. Most other European countries have shown little desire to go beyond humanitarian and logistical aid. Turkey,
a NATO member and close U.S. ally that borders both Iraq and Syria, has
ruled out taking part in the military effort. It fears any engagement
could endanger the more than 40 Turkish nationals being held hostage by
IS fighters. Turkey has
backed mainly Sunni rebels in Syria and fears any military action
against IS could weaken Assad’s foes further. It is also reluctant to
strengthen Kurds in Iraq and Syria out of concern that this might stroke
demand for independent for independence from its own Kurdish
population. ARAB NATIONS Arab
countries have so far not publicly said whether they will take part
militarily in the coalition, something the West deems crucial to avoid
intervention that is seen as a new Western Crusade in the Middle East. Arab countries, even those with significant anti-insurgency skills such as Egypt and Jordan, were unlikely to be involved in any ground operation. Washington has said Saudi Arabia will host training for Western-backed Sunni rebels in Syria. Other
Arab states have not been specific, but roles envisaged for them
include air strikes, surveillance, providing basing facilities,
humanitarian aid and reconstruction. Most
Arab states are already hard pressed to address multiple internal
security concerns, and their priority is containing nearby conflicts,
defense and border control.
U.S. partners unclear on roles in fight against Islamic State

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