After Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a statement stating that it has verified footage showing Israel use white phosphorus in Gaza this week, Amnesty International has released its own report.
The investigation from the rights group Amnesty shows that Israeli forces positioned artillery shells near the border with Gaza. These artillery shells were "labelled D528, the US Department of Defense Identification Code (DODIC) for white phosphorus-based rounds".
White phosphorous is an incendiary chemical that ignites when in contact with air and can cause severe burns in people or structures it comes into contact with.
“White phosphorous is unlawfully indiscriminate when airburst in populated urban areas, where it can burn down houses and cause egregious harm to civilians,” HRW has said.
US defence secretary has said that there will be no conditions placed on American military aid to Israel.
You can read the full Amnesty report by clicking here.
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