(Reuters) - With
Lebanon's most powerful political parties funded and often directed by
regional powers, the country has for decades been affected by events in
the Middle East. But extraordinary
chaos is exploding around the tiny Mediterranean state and Lebanon's
leaders have tried to isolate themselves as best they can. The result
has been a near complete shutdown of Lebanese political life. The
stalemate is choking a democracy that appears imperfect but has allowed
for a civil society that thrives in a way not seen in other Arab
countries. Citing fears
that the security situation in Lebanon is too fragile to hold elections,
parliamentarians last week decided to extend their term for a second
time, effectively doubling their constitutionally decreed four years in
parliament. Meanwhile, the
presidency -- which is elected by MPs -- has been vacant for five
months, and for most of last year there was also no cabinet. "The extension of the parliament mandate pushes Lebanon one step further away from reform, while also exposing the bankruptcy
and paralysis of our political system," Sami Atallah, executive
director of the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies said in an commentary
published this week. Lebanese rivalries mirror competition between regional states, notably Shi'ite Muslim Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia, which wield decisive influence over Lebanese politics. Powerful
Shi'ite Hezbollah leads one bloc while Sunnis under former prime
minister Saad al-Hariri lead the other. Christians, guaranteed the
presidency, are divided. With Iran and Saudi Arabia
supporting opposing sides of the Syrian civil war, the past three years
have seen regional enmity rise followed by a crisis in Lebanese
politics 25 years after an agreement to end its own 15-year civil war. POLITICS FROZEN Without
regional rapprochement, politics in Lebanon has frozen with parties
unable to make agreements beyond keeping the country running, just
about. "Everything is
connected. If we are looking towards a solution for our presidency
situation in Lebanon, we would also be looking for other solutions for
the whole region," Prime Minister Tammam Salam said on Wednesday. "At
the moment, unfortunately, there is nothing in light yet." The
sectarian balance of power in Lebanon has prevented hegemony by one
party and allowed a vocal civil society to flourish. But aspiring
politicians and activists say they are now unable to push through any
change. Mark Daou, a
35-year-old independent candidate, was canvassing in his district of
120,000 voters in early 2013 to run for parliament. Now he'll wait until
2017. "The extension is a
disaster ... The entire existence of the state is being delegitimized
simply by not allowing citizens of Lebanon to express their opinions in the poll," he said. His
frustration was matched by protesters who threw tomatoes at convoys of
MPs as they arrived at parliament to vote to extend their rule. "No
extension" is graffitied across Beirut. With
many political leaders former militia leaders from the civil war, Daou
says his goal is to use a grassroots movement to "break the monopoly of
the traditional sectarian religious parties." Sami
Baroudi, a political analyst at the Lebanese American University in
Beirut, says that the influence of regional players on Lebanese
politicians is marginalizing the state. "We
have a very, very volatile mix. A region on fire, a civil war raging on
your borders and at the same time the local players are so entrenched
to their positions that they are unable to reach agreement." Tourism
and investment have dropped. The stalemate has hampered efforts to
tackle public debt, exploit potential off-shore gas reserves and improve
crumbling infrastructure. PRESIDENTIAL VACUUM A
government formed in February with Saudi-Iranian blessing has spared
Lebanon from complete vacuum. But it has struggled to take even basic
decisions and politicians say the two powers are unwilling to forge a
similar consensus for the presidency. Fifteen parliamentary sessions called since May to appoint a president have failed. Breaking
the political deadlock will likely require regional states to broker an
agreement similar to one concluded in Qatar in 2008 that resulted in
parliament electing former army commander Michel Suleiman as head of
state. The country is
experiencing some of its worst sectarian violence in years. On-off
fighting rages in the coastal city of Tripoli and Sunni Muslim gunmen
briefly took over the north eastern town of Arsal this summer. Raed
Bou Hamdan, a young member of the mainly Druze Progressive Socialist
Party (PSP), said his party voted for the extension because it was the
lesser of two evils. Moving
ahead to parliamentary elections without first appointing a president
would break Lebanon's delicate sectarian power balance and could cause
further violence, he said.
Lebanon's politics paralyzed by regional conflict

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