Shiite families have raised as sincere ally for the Assad regime, where most of them were involved in fighting alongside Assad troops in the predominantly Shiite villages of Aleppo and other areas.
Berri family, mainly based in Bab-Alnirab and Alsalihin neighborhoods
of Aleppo, is very well known family of bullying, unfairness and breaking the
law and it was the hitting arm of Assad Regime in Aleppo for decades before and
after the Syrian revolution.
When the Syrian revolution started, the family members with their
leader, Ali Zein al-Abideen Berri, continued their violence and frightening
civilians hand by hand with the Regime, until they were dramatically defeated
because of many tribal revenge, they have with other families.
Dr. Nael Alhariri published on his own face- Book page an
informative summary of the family and the night mare and problems they cause to
people in Aleppo as well as the long going revenge between them and The Hameeda
Family, the funny thing is that no one, even both families members know how the
revenge series started.
Doctor Alhariri carried on telling one disastrous incidence of
revenge when one of Berri family saw one of The Hameedas in a bus, then he shot
the bus heavily to cause many deaths and wounded, and the criminal was not
The Family is known of smuggling marijuana and they used to sell
drugs and smuggled cigarettes in street.
Alharir added that the family has a blanket cover from the
government for breaking the law, even they have a permanent seat in the
Parliament, when a prominent accident or a crime took place, they used to get
one of the family to confess of the crime then he used to be released a short
while after prison, even if he was accused of killing and sentenced of death.
Many of family members have more that death sentence including, Zeno.
The family influence was stronger that the security forces in
Syria according to the quick story Dr. Alhariri told about a sergeant in
Aiaforces Security in Aleppo when he commented when the family name was
mentioned in front of him: “Berri family?! No one can face them”
In regard to the family role in Syrian revolution, Dr. Hariri said
that he was chocked when he saw their awful acts in suppressing protests too
soon in the beginning of the revolution especially in Solaimaniya at the
medical association protest that he attended it with his friends. He said that
the security forces used to rely on them to suppress any protest and gathering,
their security influence in Aleppo was equal to that of the Forth Division in
On the other hand, Dr. Hariri admitted that there are many good
and educated people in Berri Family who do not agree and approve the family
actions and many of them left Aleppo or even Syria to get rid of the stigma of
being members of the Berris.
This Family is one bleak example of tribal community committees
that need more highlighting in future.
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