Translation by Yusra Ahmed
(Eqtsad)- Hepatitis A is spreading in Wadi Barada area threatening the sources of drinking water supplying Damascus city, as cases of the disease hit 50 one.
The infection had spread before in Southern Damascus towns as a result of siege.
“Hepatitis A epidemic reached the top in the last 10 days where almost 5 new cases were diagnosed daily, making more than 50 cases most of them between 5 and 15 years old”, the report of Damascus Media office mentioned.
Physicians in the Medical Authority in Wadi Barada suspect that virus had spread as a result of contamination of water stores supplying the village, because they have not been cleaned since the start of Syrian crisis, while they need cleaning every 6 months.
Abo Mohammed al-Bardawi, an activist and the manager of the Media center in Wadi Barada mentioned that the Local Council had appealed to the cleaning and sterilizing team in the general Establishment for water in Damascus to test the water supplying the city and work on cleaning it, but the council received no reply and sometime they blame the existence of the Free Syrian Army as an obstacle for doing the job.
Damascus Media centre reported that group of experts from the General Establishment of Water Supply and Sewage in Wadi Barada had took samples from water and applied sterilizing tablets as a precaution procedure.
Hepatitis A is an infection of the liver caused by a virus which spreads via unclean and contaminated food and drinks, causing general and local symptoms like fever, abdominal pain, nausea and most significantly jaundice.
The disease can be cleared without any complication if patients were supported properly by giving them fluids and suitable nutrients.
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