(Reuters) - When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the United States this week to take a tough line against Iran,
he argued that world powers could always push for a better nuclear deal
because the Islamic Republic was vulnerable to low oil prices. But the claim that lower oil prices can sway Iran,
a major crude producer, into making greater concessions on its nuclear
program seems unrealistic, experts, diplomats and even Republican
lawmakers said on Wednesday. They noted that Iran has withstood extreme fluctuations in crude prices before and that sanctions have blunted the effect of oil on its economy. Others said Iran would likely view any further concessions as humiliating and would be prepared to forego a deal if the current talks collapsed. Most doubted that oil alone would force Tehran into a significant shift in its bargaining position. "I think it hurts their economy,
there's no doubt about that. But I don't think it's decisive," Senator
John McCain, a leading Republican voice on foreign policy issues, told
Reuters on Wednesday. In
his speech to Congress on Tuesday, Netanyahu cited cheap oil as a prime
reason why the United States and other powers could afford to hold off
on signing a "bad" nuclear deal with Iran ahead of an end-March deadline for a framework agreement. The Israeli leader, who says the current prospective deal would hand Tehran a path to an atom bomb, called Iran "a very vulnerable regime, especially given the recent collapse in the price of oil." "They'll be back because they need the deal a lot more than you do," he told lawmakers. Sanctions have halved Iran's
oil exports to just over 1 million barrels per day since 2012, spurring
inflation and unemployment that the Obama administration has credited
for forcing Iran into negotiations. Iran's oil and natural gas
export revenue was $56 billion in the 2013-14 fiscal year, according to
the International Monetary Fund. That compares to $118 billion worth of
export revenue from oil and gas in 2011-12. LESS VULNERABLE TO OIL But the current embargoes have in some ways made Iran less vulnerable to lower oil prices because its crude revenues are largely tied up in accounts in purchasing countries. "The short-term impact of oil prices on Iran may be blunted by sanctions that already restrict the government's access to oil revenue held outside of Iran," said Jen Psaki, the U.S. State Department spokeswoman. One
expert noted that the 26-year reign of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali
Khamenei has seen oil prices range from as high as $140 a barrel, to a
low of $10. "There's never been a strong correlation between his behavior and the price of oil," said Karim Sadjadpour, an Iran expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington. A diplomat from one of the countries negotiating with Iran
over its nuclear program told Reuters that worsening economic conditions
have certainly played to the West's advantage in the talks. "The
low price of oil has made the sanctions that much worse, which has
clearly increased Iran's desire for a deal," the diplomat said. But
the diplomat also noted that some hardliners, including elements in the
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, benefit from the sanctions because
they have greater control over goods and services. Indeed,
others warned that the United States might have trouble keeping the
sanctions coalition together if talks break down, particularly if there
is a perception that a hard-line U.S. position were to blame for their
collapse. "It is not possible for the United States to keep this consensus against Iran
with European countries and other countries for much longer," said Sara
Vakhshouri, an energy consultant based in Washington who formerly worked
in Iran's energy sector. "The sanctions and this consensus could erode after some time." Republican Senator Mark Kirk, co-author of a bill that would impose stricter sanctions on Iran,
said he had seen no indication that lower oil prices had changed
Tehran's behavior, noting a recent military exercise carried out by
Iranian forces near the Strait of Hormuz. "They
had enough money to build a replica of a U.S. aircraft carrier and blow
it to hell," Kirk told Reuters, saying that now was the time for more
sanctions. "Even the president says the sanctions were the only reason
they came to the table."
Despite Netanyahu claim, cheap oil not seen swaying Iran behavior
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