The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) believes that the German Public Prosecutor should include the charge of enforced disappearance against the defendant A.R. in his ongoing court trial in Koblenz, due to the organic link between arbitrary arrest and enforced disappearance in all...
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) issues its tenth annual report on Enforced Disappearance in Syria on the occasion of the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances August 30, in which SNHR emphasizes that the disappeared persons in Syria and their families...
By Firas Kontar Thanaa al Hussein, une Palestinienne rescapée des camps de la mort du régime syrien. Elle a témoigné du viol et de la torture qu’elle a subis durant six mois et, si elle prend la parole à visage découvert, c’est pour tous les autres détenus des prisons d’Assad....
By Firas Kontar Thanaa al Hussein, a Palestinian survivor of the Syrian regime's death camps. She has testified to the rape and torture she endured for six months, and if she speaks openly, it is for all the other inmates in Assad's prisons. His exceptional courage deserves our...