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'I did not see the sun for a year': Syrian survivor

Hatice Ahmet, who was arrested by the regime forces in Syria along with her four friends, cannot forget the tortures she has been subjected to in the Bashar al-Assad regime’s underground prison.  The 38-year-old survivor was arrested four years ago in Damascus for allegedly providing...

Survivors recount horror tales of Syrian prisons

The travails of three women, 38-year-old Refeyda Zeytun, her sister and mother began at a hospital in Haresta region in the Syrian capital of Damascus, after her mother was injured in an airstrike.  Instead of treating them, they were arrested by Syrian regime forces, on suspicion that...

Survivors recall torture in Syrian regime prisons

A Syrian woman formerly jailed by the Bashar al-Assad regime cannot forget the memories of the torture dungeons. In an interview with Anadolu Agency, Um Muhammed, 55, who was paralyzed by a regime air raid, recalls the inhumane torture methods and cruelties she witnessed during her...

Images of torture haunt ex-prisoners in Syria

Prisoners are suffering different types of brutal torture that the human mind cannot imagine at the Syrian regime dungeons, according to former detainees.  In an exclusive interview with Anadolu Agency, Muhammed Abdullah said he was arrested for participating in pro-democracy protests...