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Syrian Refugees

Fear and few answers as Turkish police round up Syrian refugees

Ghada's five children cried out in terror when police broke into their run-down Istanbul flat at dawn and ordered the 36-year-old Syrian's family onto a bus, without saying why. The family of seven from the northern Syrian city of Aleppo was among a group of refugees rounded up two weeks ago...

Actor Baron Cohen and wife give $1m for Syrian refugees

British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen and his wife are donating $1 million (900,000 euros) to help Syrian refugees, the charities receiving the money announced Sunday. The ‘Borat’ star and actress wife Isla Fisher are giving $500,000 to Save the Children to pay for measles...

Father of drowned Syrian toddler asks world to open its doors

The father of toddler Aylan Kurdi, whose lifeless body on a Turkish beach became a symbol of the refugee crisis, has made a Christmas appeal to the world to open its doors to Syrians fleeing conflict. The message, to be broadcast by Britain's Channel 4 on Christmas Day, comes after...