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Syrian Refugees

Thousands of migrants surge into Slovenia in new route

Thousands of migrants surged into tiny Slovenia on Saturday as an alternative route opened in Europe for them after Hungary sealed its border for their free flow, adding another hurdle in their frantic flight from wars and poverty toward what they hope is a better life in Western Europe. The...

Migrants fall through the cracks in Austria's asylum system

After fleeing civil war, surviving a perilous sea crossing and trudging through several countries, Syrian refugees think they will receive basic food, shelter and fair treatment when they reach Austria. Most are right, but some tell a different tale. These people complain of...

Migrants dig in for a Calais winter as bids to reach UK go on

 Migrants camped on France's north coast continued their bids to reach Britain on Thursday as the first autumn winds blew into their sprawl of tents and shanties and EU leaders arrived in Brussels, 200 kilometres away, to discuss the broader crisis. More than 3,500 migrants fleeing war and...