Translation by Dani Murad For the past 3 years, Syria's revolution has continued to rage with significant changes in territorial control and areas of fighting, and amid the many reports of influence and control, regime’s intelligence leaked reports represent the most accurate...
Translation by Yusra Ahmed| From the leaked reports Zaman Alwasl obtained, the shocking and attention-drawing truth was that no one was protected from killing, abduction or blackmailing, even pro-regime people and informers working for it. Crimes even reach to...
In its latest interventions and violations in Syria, Hezbollah has set up monitor and spying devices on the main water reservoir in Masaken al-Shurta (En: Police Housing) in Najha south of Damascus, which is one of the most sensitive areas for the Syrian...
Zaman Alwasl carries on publishing- exclusively- documents leaked from the Syrian regime, among these documents, one dated on 18-2-2013, showing a request from the Ministry on Interior to buy 4 helicopters from a Russian arms plant via the office of Army security. The document...