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In war-torn Syria, a charity offers hope to kids with cancer

DAMASCUS, SYria (AP) — At the children’s cancer ward in a hospital in the Syrian capital of Damascus, children walk down brightly painted corridors, hooked up to IV needles delivering critical treatment into their bloodstream. Nurses tend to babies and teenagers getting chemotherapy sit...

Ukraine war recalls trauma for survivors of Aleppo siege

When Afraa Hashem thinks back about living through the siege of Aleppo, she remembers how inventive everyone was. In late 2016, Syrian government forces had sealed off Aleppo's rebel-held eastern half, with 270,000 people inside, and for months they and Russian warplanes blasted it to...

Hijab bans deepen Hindu-Muslim fault lines in Indian state

UDUPI, India (AP) — When Aliya Assadi was 12, she wore a hijab while representing her southern Indian state of Karnataka at a karate competition. She won gold. Five years later she tried to wear one to her junior college, the equivalent of a U.S. high school. She never made it past the...