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Idlib cease-fire boosts fishing, farming in Syria

Last month’s cease-fire in Idlib, northwestern Syria, is proving to be a blessing for the country, as many civilians who returned to their homes are working and trying to earn a living. Farming and fishery activities have started to flourish again in the wake of the cease-fire, reached by...

Syria's divisions damage efforts to mobilize against virus

After nine years of war, Syria is broken into three rival parts unable to work together and ill-prepared to cope with the coronavirus, an enemy that knows no conflict lines. Medical personnel in Kurdish-run northeastern Syria have resorted to making protective gear out of garbage bags. The...

In Syria, online salsa class sidesteps lockdown gloom

Inside her living room in the Syrian capital, Aline Srouji steps forward and backward at a near-dizzying pace, demonstrating to her students locked down at home how to Salsa. Performing to a phone camera across the room, the 35-year-old records a lesson she will share on social media...

Displaced Syrians go home to ruins rather than risk virus

His home in volatile northwest Syria may have been destroyed, but Hassan Khraiby decided returning was better than risking his 10 children catch the coronavirus in a packed displacement camp. "We were scared the coronavirus might spread because of the severe overcrowding," 45-year-old...