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In war-torn Syria, digital learning battles power cuts

Staring into a smartphone camera in an empty classroom in rebel-held northwest Syria, geography teacher Danielle Dbeis addresses students confined at home away from the novel coronavirus. "Even if we are now doing distance learning... you can still talk to me online," says the 42-year-old,...

Syrian doctor joins the fight against coronavirus in Chicago

Dr Zaher Sahloul has been here before. He has worked in hospitals where medical staff die because they are not protected, where wards are so overloaded with critical patients that the corridors fill with beds, and where doctors have to make decisions about who lives and who dies because they...

How a Syrian artist is making art from the horrors of war

First-hand experience is a critical factor in the authority of official war art. Syrian artist Nour Zantah has plenty. Born in Homs in 1989, she watched the violation of her country in the opening months of the civil war. The turning point was when protesters in her home city swarmed around...