Syrian-American artist Omar Offendum sets about reviving New York's “Little Syria” neighbourhood in a new music show, curated by American artist and music writer Hanif Abdurraqib and directed by Texas-native Josiah Davis. Offendum engages with the themes of heritage, uprootedness, and...
Awatef Massud is longing to reunite with her Iraqi family after years spent in Syria, but first she must do time in a vetting camp to ensure she has no links to jihadists. The 35-year-old mother of five fled to neighbouring Syria in 2014 to escape violence at home after the Islamic State...
In rebel-held northwestern Syria, damage caused by Russian and Syrian government forces means the farmlands of Ahmed al-Amin and his neighbours are no longer suitable for cultivation. "A Russian ballistic missile fell last month, destroying olive trees that are about 30 years old," Amin told...
BEIRUT (AP) — Umm Khaled hardly leaves the tent where she lives in northwest Syria, and she says she doesn’t pay attention to the news. But she knows one reason why it is getting harder and harder to feed herself and her children: Ukraine. “Prices have been going up, and this has been...