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Putin says West arming Syrian rebels who eat human flesh

Russian President Vladimir Putin, arriving in Britain ahead of an international summit set to be dominated by disagreement over the U.S. decision to send weapons to Syria's rebels, said the West must not arm fighters who eat human flesh. In  Syria , rebels fought back on Sunday...

Iraqi holy city hit hard by Iran economic woes

The spiritual heart of Shiite Islam and a hub for religious tourism in Iraq is being badly hit as sanctions against neighbouring Iran have resulted in fewer pilgrims with less money to spend. Business leaders, shopkeepers and hotel owners in Najaf, site of a shrine to a revered figure in...

Iranians take to streets to celebrate Rowhani victory

Tens of thousands took to the streets of Tehran on Saturday evening to celebrate the election of moderate cleric Hassan Rowhani as president, with chanting pro-reform slogans and demanding more freedom. Large crowds were converging in main streets and squares, as security forces and police...