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Russia sees new record in COVID-19 deaths, recoveries

Russia confirmed on Tuesday a record number of coronavirus deaths and recoveries, which were registered over the last 24 hours. The virus claimed another 442 lives, the highest in Russia since the pandemic began, according to the latest government figures. As many as 439 people had died of...

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson self-isolating

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is self-isolating after coming into contact with someone who tested positive for the novel coronavirus, government sources said Sunday. Johnson will self-isolate in Downing Street, where he will continue to work, said a spokesman. “Prime Minister...

Amid virus surge, Paris hospitals begin to see signs of hope

PARIS (AP) — Dry-coughing as he pedals — a hack, hack, hack after-effect of his own personal battle with COVID-19 — the doctor cycles through the dark of pre-dawn Paris, speeding to a crisis meeting at his hospital where, way back in February, the disease carried away the first of what...