Several features on Twitter were down Wednesday, the platform said, with users from Japan to the USA reporting they were unable to log in, use the mobile app or see direct messages. "We've been experiencing outages across Twitter and TweetDeck," the social media giant said in a statement,...
Huawei Technologies Co Ltd’s newly launched Mate 30 devices have lost their access to manually install Google’s Android apps, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. According to the report, security researcher John Wu published a blog post Tuesday that explained how users of Huawei's Mate 30...
Twitter on Monday said it is rolling out a filter that will hide away unwanted direct messages, providing a new tool to stymie abuse. Twitter users who receive direct messages from people they don't follow on the platform will be able to have such missives automatically routed to a...
Norway does not plan to block China’s Huawei Technologies from building the country’s 5G telecoms network, cabinet minister Nikolai Astrup told Reuters, a decision that puts it at odds with NATO ally the United States. The United States has alleged Huawei’s equipment could be used by...