Apple set launch dates Tuesday for its original video offering, Apple TV+, and its game subscription service as the tech giant ramped up efforts to reduce its dependence on the iPhone. The TV+ service will launch November 1 in more than 100 countries at $4.99 per month and will include a...
Attorneys general from 48 U.S. states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have opened an antitrust probe into big tech companies that focuses on Alphabet’s Google , Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton formally announced on Monday. Paxton leads the probe, he said, which will focus on...
Apple could sell as many as 200 million of its latest iPhones from existing users upgrading their older devices and much of that demand will come from China despite an ongoing trade war, several Wall Street analysts said on Monday. The Cupertino, California-based company is widely expected...
U.S. prosecutors have charged a Chinese professor with fraud for allegedly taking technology from a California company to benefit Huawei, in another shot at the embattled Chinese telecommunications equipment maker. Bo Mao was arrested in Texas Aug. 14 and released six days later on $100,000...