Google on Thursday said users of its hugely popular Android devices would be offered a choice of five browsers and search engines as part of the company's effort to meet EU competition concerns. The European Commission last July hit Google with its biggest-ever fine, imposing a 4.34 billion...
NASA astronaut Christina Koch is going to have her mission on the International Space Station (ISS) extended to nearly 11 months, which would set a record for the longest spaceflight by a woman, the US space agency said Wednesday. Koch, 40, arrived on the ISS on March 14 with two other crew...
Apple Inc and its allies on Monday will kick off a jury trial against chip supplier Qualcomm Inc in San Diego, alleging that Qualcomm engaged in illegal patent licensing practices and seeking up to $27 billion in damages. Qualcomm, for its part, alleges that Apple forced its longtime...
Shares of Spotify Technology SA fell 4 percent on Monday after a report said Inc was in talks to launch a free ad-supported music service, which is expected to intensify competition for the music streaming leader. Amazon would market the free music service through its...