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How Big Tech created a data 'treasure trove' for police

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — When U.S. law enforcement officials need to cast a wide net for information, they’re increasingly turning to the vast digital ponds of personal data created by Big Tech companies via the devices and online services that have hooked billions of people around the world....

Photos show Chinese rover on dusty, rocky Martian surface

BEIJING (AP) — The dusty, rocky Martian surface and a Chinese rover and lander bearing small national flags were seen in photos released Friday that the rover took on the red planet. The four pictures released by the China National Space Administration also show the upper stage of the...

France fines Google for abusing “dominant" ads position

PARIS (AP) — Google is being fined 220 million euros ($268 million) by France’s antitrust watchdog for abusing its ‘dominant’ position in online advertising. Practices used by the search engine giant to sell ads "penalize Google’s competitors” along with publishers of mobile...