A month ago Obama administration officials promised to deliver arms and ammunition to the Syrian rebels in the hope of reversing the tide of a war that had turned against an embattled opposition. But interviews with American, Western and Middle...

A month ago Obama administration officials promised to deliver arms and ammunition to the Syrian rebels in the hope of reversing the tide of a war that had turned against an embattled opposition. But interviews with American, Western and Middle...
National Defense Army, pro-Assad's militia, said 200 fighters were killed since the beginning of the offensive, reliable source told Zaman Alwasl. Assad's troops fought with rebels in Homs in a battle seen as crucial to the Assad's attempts to drive a wedge between opposition-held...
Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes against Syria from the sea, a reliable source told 'Russia Today'. Israel has been under scrutiny since last week, when it was reported to be responsible for a July 5 depot attack in Latakia. News that Turkey...