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Oponion: Palestinians in the Diaspora over Syria's war

 The majority of Palestinians in Syria live in 13 refugees camps, besides other clusters outside camps in Damascus like al-Tadamon, Kaboun,  Rokn al-Din, Kafr Sooseh, al- Hajar al-aswad, Yalda, al-Moadamiyeh, Jdaydet Artooz Palestinians who live in gatherings outside...

In Syria, Rebels Without a Plan

Now that it seems unlikely the U.S. will hit Syria militarily, the rebels need a new strategy. Jamie Dettmer reports on the tough odds facing the opposition. President Obama’s acceptance of a Russian-brokered proposal to strip Syrian president Bashar al-Assad of his...

Why Syria’s images of suffering haven’t moved us

In the  Odessa Steps scene  of Sergei Eisenstein’s 1925 film  “Battleship Potemkin,”  a boy no more than 3 or 4 years old is shot by czarist troops. Bleeding, he falls to the ground, where he is trampled by a frantic crowd fleeing the massacre. His anguished mother...