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America’s isolated stance on Syria

American President Barack Obama’s  decision to provide the Syrian opposition with light arms and ammunition  is not considered a significant shift. It’s certainly not a strategic move either, but a limited tactical one that does not live up to the level of military escalation...

We Never Learn: Syrian Lessons from Bosnia

Srebrenica, 26 May 2013. I am staring at almost eight thousand tombstones. Males between twelve and eighty years old have been massacred because they believed in the wrong God. It all happened in a few days. We all know the story of Srebrenica, but when you stand in the middle of the graveyard,...

What if al-Assad prevails?

Let’s imagine a world in which Bashar al-Assad wins a military victory, remains in power, and defies the world to deal with him. Because, unfortunately, it appears to be an all too plausible scenario. An  influx of Hezbollah fighters  from Lebanon, and support from Iran’s...

The empire of Hezbollah

Wednesday, 29 May 2013 Octavia Nasr When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, I was a teenager, growing up in a peaceful household that was neither political nor sectarian. Although Hezbollah  was born then as a resistance movement to Israel’s presence in Lebanon,...