A mature video footage circulated by social media showed an explosion in Assad's military base in Jobar, neighborhood of Damascus. Activists said rebels had bombed the operation room of the military technical schools near Damascus in response to the savage massacre by Nerve gas...
With the exception of the Obama administration’s official acknowledgment in June that Syria had almost certainly used chemical weapons against civilians, a moment it used to announce the shipment of some small arms to rebels, the United States has not shown much of a response to Syrian...
Bashar's burning of al-Ghouta and its people using his chemicals coincides with burning of al-Aqsa mosque 21 Augusts will be remembered by Muslims and Arabs after Bashar al-Assad left his criminal chemical prints on this day killing 1300 of innocent souls. It is the...
A Regime member promises to disclose the performer of Ghouta masscare and complains from Tehran and Hezbollah control of military decisions Under the title of, "Save the Syrian Army" a soldier in Assad forces created a page on face book on which he posted some messages claiming to have...