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Assad security freed Youssef Abdelke

  Assad security forces have released the Syrian artist Youssef Abdelke after five weeks of detentions. Abdelke wife Hala Alabdalla, a prominent film-make has announced the releasing of her Husband on her Facebook page, thanking everyone who stood in solidarity with the...

A silent sit-in in Istanbul protesting chemical massacre

The General Secretary of the National Council suspended its meeting today to participate in a silent sit-in was organized in front of the American Consulate and the United Nation's building in Istanbul. The sit-in was organized by the National Council where most of the members of...

Iran's Opposition condemns Assad Chemical massacre

The resistance National Council of Iran has deeply condemned the Last chemical attack by Assad's regime on al-Ghouta towns with death tools reached 1400 people including children and women. In a statement the council calls on the International community to shoulder the...