Jordan’s military said that infiltrators from Syria have clashed with Jordanian soldiers near the border. One infiltrator was killed and two wounded. '' The attackers opened fire on a border post on Wednesday, according to a Jordanian military spokesman. Soldiers returned the...
UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie traveled to Jordan's border with Syria on 18 June at the start of a visit to mark World Refugee Day. She met with refugees as they were arriving and listened to their stories of escape.She urged the international community to do more to...
MY eyes kept being drawn to the shoes. The tiny pink running shoes with Velcro straps, on the feet of the 2-year-old girl sitting quietly on her mother’s lap. She fidgeted only a bit — jostling occasionally with her 7-year-old twin sisters while her father told a ...
Syrian Defense Ministry issued recently circular was sent to all military institutions , barriers and checkpoints to ''not allowed any Syrian citizen wants to pass or move among his city or neighborhoods unless he provides his recent electricity, water and...