He who listens to some of the Syrian opposition leaders’ conditions for attending the Geneva II conference can tell how distant they are from the difficult political reality. One of them announced a list of demands and said those organizing the Geneva II conference must fulfill these demands...
The situation inside Syria has just gotten a lot more complex. Syria's exiled opposition and the United States have invested heavily in propping up the Free Syrian Army (FSA) as a counterweight to radical groups that emerged as key players in areas liberated from Bashar al-Assad's rule....
Not every report to emerge from Syria is bad news for Bashar al-Assad. Yes, the world's jihadists may be flying from Accrington to Aleppo to fillet his soldiers with bullets. But it turns out Bashar has violent friends in far-off places, too. Since the conflict began in 2011,...
The falling of Al-Raqqa city has been a big loss to the Syrian regime, even if some observers think that the forgotten city has nothing to attract Damascus government we shouldn't forget that the main three dams that affiliate to the remote city – within Euphrates dam- considered the main...