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Ukraine truce shattered, death toll hits 67

Ukraine suffered its bloodiest day since Soviet times on Thursday with a gun battle in central Kiev as President Viktor Yanukovich faced conflicting pressures from visiting European Union ministers and his Russian paymasters. Three hours of fierce fighting in Independence Square,...

Ukraine truce shattered

Fresh fighting broke out in central Kiev on Thursday, shattering a truce declared by Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich, as the Russian-backed leader met European ministers demanding he compromise with pro-EU opponents. A Reuters photographer saw the bodies of 21 dead civilians...

Biden tells Yanukovych he must pull back forces in Kiev

US Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday intervened as a political crisis in Ukraine turned deadly, calling President Viktor Yanukovych and saying he should withdraw government forces who stormed a protest camp. "Vice President Biden called Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych today to...