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Idlib witnesses a construction 'boom'

(Eqtsad)- The liberated areas in the north of Syria is witnessing a relative calm after the “de-escalation of tension” agreement which resulted in Idlib city’s streets and markets and its countryside witnesses relatively active commercial movement. This situation was reflected...

Former Lebanese PM funds Assad's media, economic projects

(Eqtsad)- At the end of 2006, while preparing for the launch of al-Donia television, many employees insisted on knowing who the channel financiers were before beginning work with the channel for fear the channel was funded by a party hostile to the regime. The television channel administration...

Syria without oil production, regime officials say

(Eqtsad)- An observer monitoring the oil production data announced by the Syrian regime officials, would directly notice the significant decline in the production of these data over the past year. The decline comes in contradiction to the statements of government officials about the...

PYD competes with regime in buying grain in Hasaka

Reporting by Mohamed Hussein (Eqtsad)- Harvesting of the wheat crop was nearing completion in the Hasaka province more than a week after its launch, while the recurrence of fire incidents worried farmers whose fields were still waiting for the harvesters to enter. Mr. Ibrahim, a farmer from...