Because the instability on the Turkish-Syrian border poses a security threat for Turkey, Ankara has the legal right to militarily intervene in war-torn Syria based on a mandate that allows the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) to carry out...

Because the instability on the Turkish-Syrian border poses a security threat for Turkey, Ankara has the legal right to militarily intervene in war-torn Syria based on a mandate that allows the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) to carry out...
A rising number of radicalized young Muslims with Western passports are traveling to Syria to fight with the rebels against the government of Bashar al-Assad, raising fears among American and European intelligence officials of a new terrorist threat when the fighters return...
Assad forces captured a historic mosque in the central city of Homs on Saturday, expelling rebel forces who had been in control of the 13th century landmark for more than a year and dealing a symbolic blow to opposition forces, AP reported. Zaman Alwasl reporter in Homs said that rebels'...