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Veteran leader of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood resigns

  Veteran leader of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Zuhair Salem, had resigned of the Movement leadership and as a spokesman of the MB, Zaman Alwasl reporter said. '' I will be a soldier in the Movement, nothing more, besides my work in the Arab Center for Middle East...

Six Members of National Coalition Can't enter Egypt

Six Members of the National Coalition are trapped in Turkey, they can't return to their families in Egypt, after the Egyptian decision to impose a visa on Syrians, Zaman Alwasl reporter said. The members denounced the lack of attention to their circumstances by the coalition to...

Amal, an angel born in Field Hospital

  Amal is the real meaning of life and hope from the heart of death, how beautiful she is? What a great honor to carry her, minutes after her birth in the field hospital in Homs. Zaman Alwasl reporter kept looking at her, he was waiting her to open those wonderful two eyes,...

Fresh meals in Ramadan to FSA on frontlines

City Council of liberated Aleppo allocated a kitchen to prepare food for the Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters who are especially on the hot fronts in the western regions of Aleppo. According to Zaman Alwasl correspondent, it was Salah-Addin rebels council that suggested the idea, that was...