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Besieged Homs a key flashpoint in Syria war

The Syrian city of Homs, dubbed "the capital of the revolution" by rebels, has been a key flashpoint since the early days of the almost three-year-old revolt against President Bashar al-Assad. A major battleground ever since a popular uprising rapidly morphed into an armed insurgency,...

Syria’s lifeblood: vehicle’s buffer zone

The high-security buffer zone across from Turkey's Reyhanli district on the Syrian side of the border crossing has become Syria’s lifeblood for aid. The high-security buffer zone across from Turkey's Reyhanlı district on the Syrian side of the border crossing has...

Tunisia basks in praise over its new constitution

As recently as December, the outlook for Tunisia remained grim. International lenders were withholding money. Parliament remained deadlocked. Investigations continued into the assassination of two politicians. What a turnaround. On Friday, French President Francois Hollande and other...