This is turning into a dark and nervous summer in Lebanon. Peace depends on maintaining a delicate balance of power between different religious groups. This summer, the formula isn't working. The reason is the war in Syria. From the beginning, the Lebanese have been deeply divided...
MY eyes kept being drawn to the shoes. The tiny pink running shoes with Velcro straps, on the feet of the 2-year-old girl sitting quietly on her mother’s lap. She fidgeted only a bit — jostling occasionally with her 7-year-old twin sisters while her father told a ...
Syrian Defense Ministry issued recently circular was sent to all military institutions , barriers and checkpoints to ''not allowed any Syrian citizen wants to pass or move among his city or neighborhoods unless he provides his recent electricity, water and...
Number of Syrian wounded in Lebanon urged Dr. Jawad Abo Hatab, the medical officer in the coalition to make an urgent act regarding the bitter situation they are going through to provide an emergency aid and financial support to cover treatment expenses....